Theses and Dissertations from DePaul University

Theses and Dissertations from DePaul University


Electronic versions of most theses and dissertations awarded by DePaul University since 2009 are archived here. Note that this section may not yet contain all masters theses completed after 2009; some may only be available in the individual degree-granting departments at the current time.

Search the DePaul University Library catalog for print copies of theses and dissertations awarded before 2009.

DePaul University theses and dissertations are also indexed in the proprietary database Dissertations and Theses Full-Text.

Information and support for your thesis, non-thesis final project, or dissertation from inception to completion can be found on the relevant DePaul college, school, or program requirements page such as LAS Graduation Requirements. Contact the awarding student support office directly with questions about your thesis or dissertation.


Theses/Dissertations from 2009


Plato's analogical thought, Holly G. Moore


The Role of a Literacy Coach in Supporting Instructional Improvement and Student Achievement, Holly Jo Murer


The effects of abusive supervision and social support on workplace aggression, Kimberly D. Reynolds


A Study of Educational Desegregation Involving the Roma in Europe: The Case Study of Vidin, Bulgaria, Leslie G. Saliga


Linguistic Ambiguity in Language-based Jokes, Sarah Seewoester


Expressing Resistance: Palestinian Women's Art in the Struggle for Liberation, Nadia Sulayman


Unity and Dissent in Tibetan Exile Politics: A Study of the 2008 Tibetan Uprisings, Meagan A. Sutton


The Lost Boys of Sudan: Unaccompanied Dinka Refugee Children, Kristin Anne Thomas


Coping styles of African American youth living in poverty: Understanding the role of coping in resiliency, Sophia N. Thompson


Improving Automated Requirements Trace Retrieval Through Term-Based Enhancement Strategies, Xuchang Zou

Theses/Dissertations from 2008


Kissed by the Dove: Negotiating a Final Status Agreement between Israelis and Palestinians, 2000-2001, Yaniv Arazy


Service Learning and its Effect on Students' Attitudes towards Learning, William Thomas Conard


When an individual’s best friend begins dating someone new: what factors shape how that individual responds?, Ngocanna P. P. Huynh


The Impact of Mentoring on Retention, Quality, Commitment of Graduates from One School-University Partnership, Brenda Kraber


The Globalization of Gangs, Lucía A. Mascorro


Evo Morales: A Bolivian Uprising, Bryan Douglas McDaniel


Maintaining Hope/ Encouraging Perspective in Special Education, Donna Smith


Global Environmentalism in Egypt: Whose Concerns are being Recognized?, Sandra Stoner


Caste, Politics and Inequality in India: Problems and Progress, Katherine Morgan Strohl


Teacher Perceptions of Multicultural Education: A Research Proposal for a Study of the Perceptions of Five White, Female Teachers, Katherine Waight

Theses/Dissertations from 2007


The Effectiveness of the GRI 2002 Guidelines in Fostering Comparability Between 3BL Reporting, Nick Andrews


Transatlantic Relations and Proliferation of WMD after 9/11 -- An Evaluation, Mark Azar


American Ambivalence towards the United Nations since the End of the Cold War, Stephanie Davis


Seminal Barriers to Female High School Students’ Choice of Information Technology as a Career Alternative, Donna M. Grant


Is the European Union Promoting Good Governance?, Jillian Holly


The Evolution of the Venezuelan Education System (1989-2007), Annie Macbeth Warnock Gonzal


Ecosan Toilets in Tsunami Affected South India-Participatory Action in Development as an Implementation Strategy (x2), Shaila Noronha


The Euromediterranean Partnership: What Kind of Policy is it and what did it accomplish?, Joslyn Osten


French Integration and the 2005 Riots, Annie Palubicki


The impact individualized instruction with learning technologies has on student achievement: New directions for at-risk students with college aspirations, Jorge Pena

The impact individualized instruction with learning technologies has on student achievement: New directions for at-risk students with college aspirations, Jorge Pena

Female Students as Online Learners: A Case Study in Navigating Academic Success, Noreen A. Powers


Trouble in Transition: The Experience of Russian Privatization, Steven Reuter


Sharing the Benefits of Traditional Knowledge: An Analysis of the Access and Benefit-Sharing Mechanism, Arnaz Siganporia

Can the Study of Governmental, Economic, Social Forces on Educational Practices of the Past Illuminate Current Reforms? A Comprehensive Study of Democracy and its Relation to Educational Practices and Policy, Megan Yuhas Stetka

Theses/Dissertations from 2006

Educating Students with Disabilities in the Least Restrictive Environment: Does Money Matter?, Karin Martino

Finding Home: An Autoethnographic Tale of Borders and Identity, Diane Sabenacio Nititham

Transitional Bilingual Education and Latino Student Achievement, Maria J. Vargas

Theses/Dissertations from 2005

Crafting Character Education to “Count” for Self and Other. A Journey of Empowerment via Character Counts! For Four High School Students, Lisa D. Bucciarelli

Integrating Oral Language in English as a Second Language Literacy Instruction: A Case study, Courtney F. Garron

Resisting the Struggle: Why Blacks Opposed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Chicago, 1966-1967, Darlene Gordon

My Journey towards Culturally Relevant Teaching, Challa M. Holland

An Examination into a Year of Physics I: Community and Motivation, Deborah A. Koolbeck

Working My Way through College: Does Part-time work affect the Academic Success of Full-time Undergraduates?, J. D. Lambert

Portrait of Change: A Struggling Urban High School in Transition toward Improvement, Jerlyn W. Maloy

Measurement of Nursing Home Resident Satisfaction Using the Matuzak Quality of Life – Hierarchy of Needs Questionnaire: A Pilot Study, Denise M. Matuzak

Fitting into a New Model: Women’s Use of Physical Force, Ann E. Oorbeck

“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words” Art Integration to Enhance Writing, Kristin O’Rourke Salamanca

Teacher Supervision: The Relationship between groups of Teachers and Reaction to Styles of Supervision, Kristen D. Ulery

Theses/Dissertations from 2004


The Relationship Between the Success Tendencies Indicator and Academic Achievement and Behavioral Adjustment, Ted Bartlett

Reflection on Discipline and Classroom Management Practices, Simon D. Gilbert

A Comparison of the School to Work Opportunities Act and the No Child Left behind Act; The Relationship Between School and Work, Tricia Hassan

The Relationship between Student-Athletes’’ Perceptions of Athletic Academic Advising Programs and the Attitudes of their Respective Coaches, Laure L. Kosey

Effects of Foreign Language Learning in Elementary School on Students’ Future Educational and Career Choices, Amy W. Narea


Bobbitt's window: Understanding turning points in reflective curriculum history and unmuffling reflective voice in adult learning: Doubt and identity, J. Warren Scheideman

Bobbitt’s Window: Understanding Turning Points in Reflective Curriculum History and Unmuffling Reflective Voice in Adult Learning- Doubt and Identity, J. Warren Scheideman


Effects of foreign language learning in elementary school on students' future educational and career choices, Amy Weiss Narea

Theses/Dissertations from 2003


Emotional intelligence and its relationship with sales success, George C. Chipain


Repetition of retention practices: Does retention improve academic achievement?, Brenda DeMar-Williams


Retention: The controversy continues, Beverly Gray Greene


School -to -home communication in high school: Effects on task engagement and homework completion, Daniel McDonnell


Jack of all trades, master of none: A teacher research inquiry of teachers' perspectives surrounding the context of professional development, Alicia Meno


Factors correlating with teachers' use of computers in the classroom, Samia A. Wahab


Attributes of an exemplary curriculum in entry-level undergraduate athletic training education, Aric J. Warren

Theses/Dissertations from 2002


Reflection: Its influence on the psychological empowerment of non -management knowledge workers in the software industry, Leonard V. Cyboran


Voice, identity, and knowledge: Teaching and learning in an urban classroom, Colleen M. Reardon

Theses/Dissertations from 1999


Pentecostalism and Political Violent in Guatemala, Kristin Carnes

Theses/Dissertations from 1998


Within the Wrought-Iron Fence: the Hidden Heritage of McCormick Theological Seminary, 1864-1975, Elizabeth K. Ware