"Msculine Identity and the Education and Parental Involvement of Africa" by Milissa McClaire Gary

Date of Award

Winter 2010

Degree Type




First Advisor

Amira Proweller, PhD


African American males are more likely to become teenage fathers than their white counterparts, and the risk is increased for those living in low-income communities. This qualitative work is a case study exploring the life experiences of one African American teen father from a working class urban area. The research investigates the ways in which conceptions of masculinity impact the identity formation and parental engagement of African American teen fathers. It also explores the ways in which they may seek to fulfill multiple, and often competing, social roles including father, student, and young Black man in society. The findings acknowledge that the experiences of young fathers are significantly shaped by social and cultural factors beyond their control, and highlights the complexity and reality of competing expectations in their lives. In addition, recommendations for schools and educators working with young Black fathers are discussed, along with suggestions for further research.

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Education Commons
