Founded in 2009, this ongoing student conducted project led by Laura Kina, Professor in The Art School, is dedicated to collecting oral histories of Asian/Asian American artists and key organizers and participants of Asian/Asian American arts and cultural organizations. While the scope of the project encompasses diasporic and US born Asians across the United States, the primary focus of the archive is to document the history of Midwestern Asian American artists and arts organizations.
If you would like to share your story, contact Laura Kina at
The full archive of the Asian American Art Oral History Project is held is DePaul University’s Special Collections and Archives Department 2350 North Kenmore Avenue 2nd floor, Chicago, IL 60614 . For more information contact us at 773-325-7864, or
Submissions from 2018
Mia Park Interview, Justin Fernandez
Sarah-Ji (Love & Struggle Photos) Interview, Aggie Kallinicou
Migiwa Orimo Interview, Jessica Ruiz
Kioto Aoki Interview, Austin Sandifer
Leila Abdelrazaq Interview, Quest Sawyer
Tony Moy Interview, Sarah Song
Mitsu Salmon Interview, David Yonamine
Submissions from 2017
Mie Kongo Interview, Mimonna Aljaber
Mayumi Lake Interview, Raegen Balton-Watkins
Dana Weiser Interview, Julia Boucher
Sameena Mustafa Interview, Uyanga Chinzorig
Jun-Jun Sta.Ana Interview, Jackson Hughlett
Michio Iwao Interview, Grace Johnson
Catherine Cajandig Interview, Rebecca Murphy
Wesley Sun Interview, Chad Novotny
Raeleen Kao Interview, Beena Patel
Hương Ngô Interview, Jessica Perez
Kevin J. Miyazaki Interview, Anthony Santoro
Patricia Nguyen Interview, Joyce Shoults
Jon Yamashiro Interview, Ciera Stokes
Kaveri Raina Interview, Eva Swiecki
Matthew Avignone Interview, Alicia Urquizo
Kristine Aono Interview, Maureen Vela
Sarah Nishiura Interview, Larry Villanueva
Renluka Maharaj Interview, Steven Zych