Founded in 2009, this ongoing student conducted project led by Laura Kina, Professor in The Art School, is dedicated to collecting oral histories of Asian/Asian American artists and key organizers and participants of Asian/Asian American arts and cultural organizations. While the scope of the project encompasses diasporic and US born Asians across the United States, the primary focus of the archive is to document the history of Midwestern Asian American artists and arts organizations.
If you would like to share your story, contact Laura Kina at
The full archive of the Asian American Art Oral History Project is held is DePaul University’s Special Collections and Archives Department 2350 North Kenmore Avenue 2nd floor, Chicago, IL 60614 . For more information contact us at 773-325-7864, or
Submissions from 2016
CC Ann Chen Interview, Margaret Basham
Alejandro Acierto Interview, Madeline Bolton
Leonard Suryajaya Interview, Megan Casey
Hong Chun Zhang Interview, Emily Dresden
Snow Yunxue Fu Interview, Noah Fornear
James Kao Interview, Alice Haller
Sabba Syal Elahi Interview (2 of 2), Derek Hamilton
Jamil Khoury Interview, Dasha Lubitov
Jave Yoshimoto Interview, Serina Mancha
Sabba Syal Elahi Interview (1 of 2), Simi Mathew
Paul Yamada Interview, Bryan Nolte
Shaurya Kumar Interview, Tejas Patel
Aram Han-Sifuentes Interview, Yanessa Rodriguez
Cesar Conde Interview, Ramona-Sky Rosenthal
Akemi Nakano Cohn Interview, Allisan Tate
Osamu James Nakagawa Interview, Myumi Ware
Submissions from 2014
Pipo Nguyen-Duy interview, Emily Flanagan
Submissions from 2013
Roger Shimomura Interview, John Beale
Dan S. Wang Interview, Katy Canzone
Pao Hoau Her Interview, Bentley "Libby" Christenson
Hamza Salim Interview, Julian Coleman
Wing Young Huie Interview, Anna Hendrickson
Joanne Aono Interview, Charlie Lacke
Phillip Chen interview, Christina Morris
Kompha Seth interview about the Cambodian Association of Illinois, Matthew Mrozinski