Staff Publications - University Libraries

Preserving the Past with Tomorrow's Technology: How DePaul University and the University of Ireland, Galway secured a new home for a Vincentian digital collection in the cloud

Document Type


Publication Date

October 2012


DePaul University Library assisted researchers at the National University of Ireland, Galway in preserving their catalogue of Vincentian documents by migrating metadata from an unstable server to a hosted web publishing platform designed for cultural institutions. Based on the collection’s requirements and the technical abilities of the researchers and their budget, the project team chose The project included simplifying and restructuring the original metadata, encoding it in Unicode, and mapping the elements to the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. The catalogue now exists as a searchable online database in a stable, standardized, hosted environment that can be easily managed by the researchers as their project expands.

Source Publication

Catholic Research Resource Alliance Symposium

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