Staff Publications - University Libraries
Success! Assessment in Action and its Impact on Four Academic Libraries
Document Type
Publication Date
October 2015
This panel will provide an overview of Assessment in Action learning projects, which assessed library impact on student learning. Augustana College studied the effect of using original primary materials on first-year students’ information literacy and critical thinking skills. DePaul University investigated how independent learning activities allowed first year students to articulate how the library contributed to their success. Illinois Central College looked at library instruction’s impact on student success within sections of Composition ENG 111 (Composition II) courses. Illinois Institute of Technology examined whether intensity of library usage affected undergraduate student success.
Source Publication
2015 Illinois Library Association All for One Conference: A Library State of Mind
Recommended Citation
Massengale, Lisa; Jagman, Heather; Glass, Amy; and Bluemle, Stephanie. (2015) Success! Assessment in Action and its Impact on Four Academic Libraries. 2015 Illinois Library Association All for One Conference: A Library State of Mind.