College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Chicago’s Migrant Serving Ecosystem: Perspectives from Providers on the Frontline, Safa S. Asad
Empowerment as a Predictor of System Justification Moderated by Race, Nicole Belcher
Spirituality and Primal Beliefs Among Oxford House Employees, Justin S. Bell
Identity Shifting Behaviors, Perceptions of Diversity, and Perceived Discrimination in South Asian Employees, Himali Bhandari
The Role of Team Sports, Coping, and Friendship in Reducing Depressive Symptoms in Youth, Abigail K. Bushnell
Talking to Strangers: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation Study of an Intercultural Intervention, Andrew Peter Camilleri
Pro-Environmental Organizational Climates: Implications for Employees, Organizations, and the Environment, Nicholas Carruth
Optimizing Remote Work Engagement and Performance, Jessica Chackoria
Ozone Gardens: Impacts of Air Quality on Native Plants in Chicago, Elene Drosos
Modeling exciton delocalization and transport in PDBD-T-2F with the line-dipole improvement for coupling calculation, Brian Dvorak
Clutter and Control: A Regional Analysis of the Effect of Decluttering, Zachary Henry Ellis
Clutter and Control: A Regional Analysis of the Effect of Decluttering on Women During the Pandemic, Zachary Henry Ellis
Counting on the Family: Family Cohesion and its Relationship to PTG, Edgar Ivan Gandara
First-Generation College Students’ Sense of Belonging During COVID-19, Yesenia Garcia
Length of Stay, Social Support, and Sex Differences in Recovery, Elizabeth K. Garrity
The Mediating Effect of Recognizing Racism and Biases within the Workplace: Cross-race Friendships and Allyship Behaviors, Amber Kaiser
Anticipated Intergroup Anxiety & Misattribution of Arousal, Nazia Khan
The Joint Impact Of Parent Health Efficacy And Child Temperament On Child Health Outcomes, Emma F. Kruis
Effects of Receiving Peer-Status Feedback on Chinese Adolescents, Mingqi Li
A Longitudinal Study Assessing the Influence of Salivary Cortisol, Alpha Amylase, and Interleukin-1β Levels on Sleep and Physical Activity Among Emerging Adults, Bernardo Loiacono
Can We Help You with Your Bootstraps? How First-Generation Graduate Students Can Use Relationships to Transform Universities, Brianna N. Mabie
Family Obligation, School Climate, and the Academic Achievement of Latinx Youth Living in One- and Two-Parent Households, Elizabeth Martinez Charleston
The Effects of Chronic Stress on Predictors of Academic Learning, Gabriel McNair
Stress & Self-regulation in Law Enforcement, Cecilia R. Mercado
A Systematic Exploration of Theoretical, Conceptual, and Methodological Alignment of Social Network Analysis in Organizational Behavior, Morgan Gleason Miller
Adult Age Differences in Response to Sociomoral Violations, Alyssa R. Minton
Mental Health and Well-being of Survivors of Torture as they Seek Asylum, Samantha L. Nau
Grieving Workers, Leadership Support, and Organizational Commitment, Zachary N. Ngo
The Role of Neighborhood Unemployment on Oxford House Sustainability, Alexa Nieder
Social Support as a Moderator of Life Stress and Alcohol Consumption, Paige Patano
Address the Mess: the Role of Fear of COVID-19, Indecision, and Reactance in Decluttering Projects, Devki Patel
Don't Let It Get to You: The Role of Internalization Racism in the Organization, Carolyn T. Pham
Finding the Silver Lining: The Role of Supportive Social Environments, Keturah Platt
Exploring Advocates’ Perceptions of Rural and Urban Sexual Assault Survivors’ Experiences Seeking Civil Protective Orders, Hannah C. Samuels
Attachment and Resilience: The Mediating Effect of Coping, Michelle Soans
Parent-Child Cultural Values (Mis)Matches and Youth Mental Health among Latinx Families, Jesus Eduardo Solano-Martinez
Overcoming the War Within: Exploring the Relationship Between Exposure to Complex Trauma and Post Traumatic Growth, Diego T. Thompson
Explaining the Paradox of High Self-Esteem in Black Youth Exposed to Stress: The Protective Role of Kinship and Spirituality, Takayla Christine Towns
Friendship, FNE, and Confronting a Racist Remark, Kaelan J. Vazquez
A Qualitative Analysis of White Nationalist Patriotic Discourse, Miguel Angel Vazquez
Initial Reactions: Rethinking the Efficacy of Current Contractual Practies for Consumer Protection, Sarah E. Wellard
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Invisible Disability: A Review of Hearing and Vision Impairment Challenges in the Workplace, Melissa Ann Aguinaldo
Mitigating Sunk Cost Bias for Consumers: Considering Alternatives Within High and Low Construal Levels When Costs are Sunk, Jasmine N. Ahmad
The Positive Impact of Exposure to Nature versus Urban-Environment Images on Cognitive Processing: Working Memory and Problem Solving, Caitlin Julia Ailsworth
Social Zapping: Examining Predictors of Last-Minute Cancelations Among Community Members, Alyssa T. Altieri
Campus Racial Climate and Mentoring: Impact on Academic and School Experience Outcomes, Safa Asad
The Moderating Effects of Acculturative Stress and Ethnic Identity on the Relation between Peer Victimization and Depressive Symptoms among Latinx Youth, Mariana J. Bednarek
Nourishing Family Connections: Exploring the Impact of Mealtime Dynamics on Child Depressive Symptoms, Kyra (Dee) Bekelja
Residential Vacancy and Crime in the Wake of Housing Crisis in Chicago, Shaun Bhatia
Impact of Retinoic Acid Receptor Alpha Conditional Knockout on Ovarian Follicle Development in the Mouse, Zlata Bogin
Physical Activity and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence: Direction of Effects and Mechanisms of Influence, Bridget Brush
Navigating Sense of Home: Migration experiences of Home and Community, Andrew Peter Camilleri
Conceptualizing Positive versus Negative Awe: Do Connection and Self-Significance Interact to Determine Awe’s Valence?, Christopher Evan Cole
Trainee Perceptions of Structured On-the-Job Training (OJT): The Impact of Trainer Experience and Use of Structured OJT Guides, Jessica Nicole Cooperstein
Critical Civic Engagement of Immigrant-Origin Latinx Youth, Wendy de Los Reyes Moore
Youth Relational History Affecting Mentoring Relationship Quality, Brittanie Nicole Gage
Balanced Negotiations: An Online Negotiation Training for Women, Kaitlyn Rose Gallagher
Retail Workers’ Job Preferences: Uncovering the Drivers of Attraction, Retention, and Attrition, Alyssa Green
Relationship Between Objective Measures of Stress and Child Health Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Margaret Harrigan Clark
Peer Victimization and Post-Traumatic Stress Problems among Latinx Youth: The Role of Emotional Reactivity and Gender, Ashley N. Harris
The Dangerous Effect of Entitlement on White Nationalist Ideology, Kara Elizabeth Harris
Latinas in Leadership Positions in the United States: Theories, Characteristics, and Recommendations, Fernanda Ibanez
Quiet Quitting: Navigating an Old Phenomenon in the New Normal, Eilish Keane
Thinking Style as Input: Information Seeking and Processing, Youlim Kim
Exclusion, Extroversion, and Relationship-Related Thought Accessibility, Stacey L. Kruse
Characterization of the Immune Deficiency Pathway during female meiosis in Drosophila melanogaster, Sarah Mashburn
Do Moral Foundations Predict Views on Morally Contested Issues?, Mackenzie Maria Moreno
Cultural Values and Internalizing Symptoms among Latinx Youth: The Role of Gender, Paulina Paredes Cienega
How We Feel About Numbers: The Impact of Framing and Number Format on Emotion and Decision Making, Kwame Poku-Acheampong
Implementation and Assessment of a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in General Chemistry, Alissa Potts
An Exploration of Affective, Physiological, and Environmental Stress Among Adolescents with Chronic Medical Conditions, Brittany Lynn Ricart
Spatiotemporal dynamics of ticks and tick-borne disease at NEON sites across a sub-continental scale, Ana Sofia Rivera
The Prairie State: Using Ecological Niche Modeling to Predict Distributions of Early Land Plants, Zoe Ryan
All Bi Myself: The Relationship Between Bisexuality and Self-Essentialism, Madeline Lucille Sharmat
The Crystal Structure of Hexagonal Molybdenum Oxynitride Hydride, Shriya Sinha
The Age of Connection: Interdependent Self-Construal Links Age and Prosociality, Jason Snyder
Ageism by a Community Sample of Young Adults: Expanding the Contact Hypothesis to Explore Ageism, Helena Lucia Swanson
The Protective Effects of Physical Activity Coping and Environmental Supports on Academic Stress among Adolescents, Taylor Swenski
The role of anhedonia in the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and alcohol use and food addiction in a sample of emerging adults, Mary Takgbajouah
The Influence of Metaphorical and Literal Language on Conspiracy Theory Belief: The Role of Language and Individual Differences, Gabrielle Toups
Profiles of Violence Victimization and Mental Health Outcomes among LGBTQ Survivors in Illinois: A Cluster Analysis, Mary Margaret Tull
The Interplay between Parental Psychological Control and Parental Emotional Overinvolvement on Depressive Symptoms among Early Adolescents, Taylor Breanna Ullrich
Targeting S. maltophilia Biofilms with Phage Bfi2, Lydia Walther
Examining Predictors of Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth among Sexual Assault Service Providers in Rape Crisis Centers, Anna Wegrzyn
Accessibility of Civil Legal Service Provision for Survivors of Sexual Assault in Illinois, Kayleigh Zinter
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Black Adolescent Self-Perceptions: The Roles of Ethnic Identity and Stress Exposure, Kailyn Bare
Cultural Change and Threat Perception: Casual Implications on White Nationalist Beliefs and Outgroup Restricting Policies, Andrea Bellovary
Cultural Change and Threat Perception: Causal Implications on White Nationalist Beliefs and Outgroup Restricting Policies, Andrea Bellovary
Complex Contexts within Oxford, Ted J. Bobak
Analyzing Domain of Convergence for Broyden’s Method, Michael Bonthron
Providing Labor and Delivery Care During the First Wave of COVID-19: Qualitative Interviews with Nurses and CNMs, Nichelle Bush
Adjustment to Remote Work During COVID-19, Nicholas Carruth
Onboarding and orientation of advanced practice providers in metropolitan, Tracie Clisby