College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award

Winter 3-19-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Jane Halpert, PhD

Second Advisor

Alice Stuhlmacher, PhD


This research study investigated the influence of trainer experience on the trainer’s use of directive behaviors and communication clarity in structured on-the-job training (OJT) and how those variables, in turn, impacted trainee perceptions. It was predicted that trainer experience would be positively related to trainer characteristics (directive behaviors and communication clarity), and that the use of structured OJT guides would have a conditional impact on this relationship. It was also predicted that trainer characteristics would be positively related to trainee perceptions. Finally, it was predicted that the conditional relationship of trainer experience and use of structured OJT guides would influence trainee perceptions via trainer characteristics. To test the hypotheses, data were collected from 76 current and recent technical trainees and trainers at electrical utilities across the United States and Canada. Trainer experience was found to not have a significant relationship with either directive behaviors or communication clarity. The use of structured OJT guides did, however, emerge as having a significant independent influence on trainer characteristics. Lastly, trainer characteristics (directive behaviors and communication clarity) were positive predictors of perceptions of the trainer and the overall training effectiveness. This study demonstrated that while experience may not be the most important factor for an OJT trainer to possess in terms of influencing the training session and perceptions of the trainee, the use of structured OJT guides is important for creating a productive and effective training environment.

SLP Collection

