"A confident culture for creativity? Creative self-efficacy and innovat" by Karen Bartuch

Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

First Advisor

Lisa K. Gundry

Second Advisor

Grace Lemmon

Third Advisor

Alyssa Westring


Innovation is a strategic priority for many companies today and some are more successful at it than others. This study aims to understand what factors affect the innovation behavior of employees. Specifically, this study examined the perceptions of creative self-efficacy (CSE) in individuals and their innovation behavior. In addition, individual perceptions of culture for innovation within their organization were measured to determine how culture affects the relationship between CSE and innovation behavior. According to social cognitive theory (SCT), an individual’s behavior, cognitions and the environment influence each other in a dynamic fashion.

Given the prevalence of millennials in the workforce and the many perceived differences of that group, two generational cohorts, millennials and Generation Xers were examined in relation to CSE, perceptions of culture and innovation behavior. CSE was found to have a significant impact on innovation behavior but perceptions of culture for innovation was not found to significantly moderate that relationship. Generational differences in relation to innovation were not found to be significant; in fact, the two groups were found to be quite similar. This is important for organizations to understand to recruit and hire the right employees to effectively innovate and to create an environment that motivates employees to engage in innovation behavior.
