A General History of the Congregation of the Mission Beginning after the Death of Blessed Vincent de Paul
Claude-Joseph Lacour C.M.
This work is the earliest known history of the Congregation of the Mission and dates from about 1730. Vincentian historian John E. Rybolt, C.M., building on the initiative of Stafford Poole, C.M., completed this English translation from the original French. The author, Claude-Joseph Lacour, C.M. (1672-1731), drew from already published materials and his own recollections. While the story he tells may seem familiar, Lacour included materials that are unknown anywhere else and delivers a first-hand account of the Congregation’s rapid growth in those early days. The text is essential reading for anyone wishing to better understand Vincent de Paul’s society of apostolic life of priests and brothers following his death.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume I. Correpsondence vol. 1 (1607-1639).
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
First volume of the English translation of the writings of St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660). It contains letters 1-416.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Jacqueline Kilar, D.C.
Translated by Sr. Helen Marie Law, D.C., Sr. John Marie Poole, D.C., Rev. James R. King, C.M., and Rev. Francis Germovnik, C.M.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume II. Correspondence vol. 2 (January 1640-July 1646).
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Second volume of the English translation of the writings of St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660). It contains letters 417-828.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1921 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Jacqueline Kilar, D.C. and Sr. Marie Poole, D.C.
Translated by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Esther Cavanaugh, D.C., Rev. James R. King, C.M., and Rev. Francis Germovnik, C.M. (Latin)
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume III. Correspondence vol. 3 (August 1646-March 1650).
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
First volume of the English translation of the writings of St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660). It contains letters 829-1205.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1921 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Julia Denton, D.C., Sr. Paule Freeburg, D.C., and Sr. Marian Hamwey, D.C.
Translated by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., and Rev. Francis Germovnik, C.M.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume IV. Correspondence vol. 4 (April 1650-July 1653).
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Fourth volume of the English translation of the writings of St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660). It contains letters 1206-1645.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1921 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Julia Denton, D.C., and Sr. Elinor Hartman, D.C.
Translated by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., and Rev. Francis Germovnik, C.M.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume IX. Conferences to the Daughters of Charity vol. 1
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Julia Denton, D.C., Sr. Elinor Hartman, D.C., and Sr. Ellen Van Zandt, D.C.
Translated by Sr. John Marie Poole, D.C.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume V. Correspondence vol. 5 (August 1653-June 1656).
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Newly translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Julia Denton, D.C., and Sr. Elinor Hartman, D.C.
Translated by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., and Rev. Francis Germovnik, C.M.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume VI. Correspondence vol. 6 (July 1656-November 1657)
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Newly translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Julia Denton, D.C., and Sr. Elinor Hartman, D.C.
Translated by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., and Rev. Francis Germovnik, C.M.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume VII. Correspondence vol. 7 (December 1657-June 1659)
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Julia Denton, D.C., and Sr. Elinor Hartman, D.C.
Translated by Sr. John Marie Poole, D.C., and Rev. Francis Germovnik, C.M.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume VIII. Correspondence vol. 8 (July 1659-September 1660)
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Julia Denton, D.C., and Sr. Elinor Hartman, D.C.
Translated by Sr. John Marie Poole, D.C., and Rev. Francis Germovnik, C.M.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume X. Conferences to the Daughters of Charity vol. 2
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Julia Denton, D.C., Sr. Elinor Hartman, D.C., and Sr. Ellen Van Zandt, D.C.
Translated by Sr. John Marie Poole, D.C.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume XI. Conferences to the Congregation of the Mission vol. 1
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Ann Mary Dougherty, D.C., and Sr. Ellen Van Zandt, D.C.
Translated by Sr. John Marie Poole, D.C.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume XII. Conferences to the Congregation of the Mission vol. 2
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Ann Mary Dougherty, D.C., and Sr. Ellen Van Zandt, D.C.
Translated by Sr. John Marie Poole, D.C., and Sr. Ann Mary Dougherty, D.C.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume XIIIa. Documents vol. 1
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Julia Denton, D.C., Sr. Elinor Hartman, D.C., and Sr. Ellen Van Zandt, D.C.
Translated by Sr. Evelyne Franc, D.C., Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Rev. Thomas Davitt, C.M., Rev. Glennon E. Figge, C.M., Rev. Francis Germovnik, C.M., Rev. John G. Nugent, C.M., and Rev. Andrew Spelman, C.M.
Annotated by Rev. John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume XIIIb. Documents vol. 2
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1924 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Julia Denton, D.C., Sr. Elinor Hartman, D.C., and Sr. Ellen Van Zandt, D.C.
Translated by Sr. Evelyne Franc, D.C., Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Rev. Thomas Davitt, C.M., Rev. Glennon E. Figge, C.M., Rev. Francis Germovnik, C.M., Rev. John G. Nugent, C.M., and Rev. Andrew Spelman, C.M.
Annotated by Rev. John W. Carven, C.M.
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume XIV. Index.
Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C., Sr. Ann Mary Dougherty, D.C.
Translated by Sr. Marie Poole, D.C.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.
After more than 40 years devoted to the preparation of the English edition of the correspondence, conferences, and documents pertaining to Saint Vincent de Paul, this cumulative Index marks the culmination of the entire series.
To facilitate research, each entry in the alphabetical index is accompanied by a brief annotation of how it is used on the page or pages given. Place names are printed in italics, and cross references are supplied, where judged appropriate. Many variations in spelling occur. Following the Index are two Appendixes: Biblical References and Errata.
Daughters of Charity: Women, Religious Mission, and Hospital Care in Los Angeles, 1856-1927
Kristine Ashton Gunnell
A captivating story, culled from extensive historical research, documents how ingenuity, determination, and faith enabled mission-driven Daughters of Charity to establish, develop, and provide healthcare in Los Angeles. This work contains multiple examples of their flexibility to overcome barriers of culture, religion, language, and scarce resources in the context of frontier politics but without comprise of their faith-based mission of service to persons in need.
DePaul University Centennial Essays and Images
Albert Erlebacher, Dennis P. McCann, Richard Meister, John L. Rury, Charles Strain, Charles Suchar, and Anna Waring
A collection of eight essays honoring DePaul University’s centennial. The book has three parts: Mission and Governance; Campus Culture and Student Life; and Making the Modern University.
Elizabeth Bayley Seton 1774-1821
Annabelle M. Melville
The updated and revised edition of the most definitive biography on St. Elizabeth Seton, the first American-born Catholic saint, and a mother, convert, and founder of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph's.
This edition was edited by Betty Ann McNeil, D.C., and is available with the express permission of the Daughters of Charity, St. Louise Province. For educational or research use only.
© 2009 Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s
Frédéric Ozanam: A Life In Letters
Joseph I. Dirvin C.M.
An annotated English translation of selected correspondence of Frédéric Ozanam, founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Frontier Missionary: Felix De Andreis, 1778-1820: Correspondence and Historical Writings
Felix de Andreis; John E. Rybolt, C.M.; and Nathaniel Michaud
A chronicle of the life and journey of the Vincentian missionary Felix De Andreis, in his own words. From his native Italy to the far reaches of frontier America. …this volume documents in detail the arrival of the Vincentians in the United States and paints a vivid picture of a country from its infancy.
He Hears the Cry of the Poor: On the Spirituality of Vincent de Paul
Robert P. Maloney, C.M.
In He Hears the Cry of the Poor Robert Maloney addresses vital questions of religious communities today. His vision is filled with hope and promise as he discusses the renewal of community and prayer life, the apostolate, and the growing international character of communities. Throughout the book, Father Maloney puts into active and creative dialogue voices from the past and the present. Vincent and his spiritual friends come alive, not only as a force in seventeenth-century France, but as partners in conversation with men and women of today. This book is an excellent resource and guide for those who follow a Vincentian spiritual life, as well as anyone who takes an active role in their Christian community.
In the Footsteps of Vincent de Paul: A Guide to Vincentian France
John E. Rybolt C.M.
A lavishly illustrated, full color guidebook authored by noted historian John E. Rybolt, C.M., created to help lead visitors on pilgrimage to the France of Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac and the members of their religious families.
La Vie du Venerable Serviteur de Dieu Vincent de Paul, Instituteur et Premier Superieur General de la Congregation de la Mission: Divisée en Trois Livres
Louis Abelly
First edition of the first biography of St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660), founder of the Congregation of the Mission (the Vincentian or Lazarist order), the Daughters of Charity, and the Ladies of Charity. Written by Louis Abelly, Bishop of Rodez, this biography is considered the most important and influential text detailing St. Vincent's life and work, and is viewable here in high-quality color PDFs.
Life of Louise de Marillac - Mademoiselle Le Gras
Nicolas Gobillon
Elizabeth rendered the first English translation of the biography by Nicolas Gobillon, The Life of Mademoiselle Le Gras (Paris, 1676). Readers gain insight into the mind and heart of Elizabeth from her selective translation dated 17 September 1818.
Louise de Marillac: Come Winds or High Waters
Élisabeth Charpy D.C.
Originally published by the Compagnie des Filles de la Charité in 1988 as Contre Vents et Marées: Louise de Marillac, this title has been newly translated, redesigned as an e-book, illustrated, and republished by the V.S.I., with the permission of the Daughters of Charity. Numerous quotes within the text have also been updated and reannotated to meet the English language standard provided by recent translations of Louise and Vincent’s letters and words. Sr. Charpy presents this biography of Louise de Marillac as woman, wife, mother, foundress, and indispensable collaborator with Vincent de Paul in founding the Vincentian tradition. In so doing, she seeks to highlight the spiritual insights Louise gained and then expressed in her life as a mystic, and as a hands-on servant of the poor.
Louise de Marillac: Social Aspects of Her Work
Margaret Flinton D.C.
A carefully documented study of the work of Louise de Marillac.
The Bicentennial Celebration of the Vincentians in America: An Exhibition at DePaul University's John T. Richardson LIbrary, 2016
Andrew H. Rea and John E. Rybolt C.M.
Exhibit catalog for the 2016 exhibit of the same name.
To commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Congregation of the Mission's work in the United States, DePaul University Library, with the assistance of DePaul’s Office of Mission and Values, presents The Bicentennial Celebration of the Vincentians in America: An Exhibition at the John T. Richardson Library. The exhibition will run from September 2016 through March 2017, and encompasses two separate installations.
The first, God as Compass, Rudder, and Pilot: the Missionary as a Pioneer, details the journey the Vincentian missionaries took, from its beginnings in Rome in 1815 to the company's eventual settlement at St. Mary's of the Barrens in the Missouri Territory in 1818. Its sister installation is Knowledge and Salvation: the Missionary as a Man of the Enlightenment, which explores books from the library of these first American Vincentians and the influence of the Enlightenment on the missionaries.
The exhibit includes books, correspondence, artifacts, and maps, and acknowledges the religious vocations and motivations of the Vincentian missionaries while contextualizing their place within the larger arena of American history.
The Funeral Oration for Vincent de Paul : 23 November 1660
Henri de Maupas du Tour and Edward R. Udovic C.M.
Introduction, translation, and annotation by Edward R. Udovic, C.M.
The Life of Mademoiselle Le Gras: Foundress and First Superior of the Sisters of Charity, Servants of the Sick Poor
Nicolas Gobillon and Sisters of Charity
This English-language translation of Gobillon's 1676 biography of St. Louise de Marillac was published by the Sisters of Charity.
The Practice of Spiritual Direction In the Life and Writings of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Shin Ja Lee
Elizabeth Ann Seton became the first North American-born saint in 1975 and her sainthood was a fruit of her spiritual formation in the Episcopal and the Catholic Church. That formation qualified her as a spiritual director to her contemporaries. This dissertation examined what characterized her reception and practice of spiritual direction through an analysis of her letters, journals, meditations, her translations and works she copied.
This dissertation claims that Elizabeth was a qualified spiritual director and her practice of spiritual direction contributed to the enrichment of the ministry of spiritual direction. Her biblical, Eucharistic, liturgical, and ecclesiastical piety led individuals to deepen their spiritual life by following her example of piety. Her emphasis on the Christcentered life in her spiritual direction offered insight on the method and goal of spiritual formation. Her method of spiritual direction via her letters and writings contributed to the ministry of spiritual direction by encouraging individuals by their own letters and spiritual reflections to aid others in deepening their spiritual life.
The Soul of Elizabeth Seton : a Spiritual Autobiography Culled From Mother Seton's Writings and Memoirs
Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saint
The Way of Vincent de Paul : a Contemporary Spirituality in the Service of the Poor
Robert P. Maloney, C.M.
What was the spiritual road that St. Vincent traveled? Why have hundreds of thousands of people been inspired by his example and even followed his way? Robert Maloney addresses these intriguing questions and outlines in helpful, practical terms how to follow Vincent's way in today's world. He confesses that "the Christ of St. Vincent has long fascinated me. 'He describes himself as the evangelizer of the poor,' St. Vincent writes. It is this Christ who lies at the heart of St. Vincent's spirituality." Whether you follow Vincent's way of charity already or if you are interested as to what it might be, The Way of Vincent de Paul will help you discover the heart of this vibrant and modern way of life.
Unaffiliated Lay Vincentians' Informal Engagement with the Vincentian Mission
Jonathon L. Wiggins Ph.D. and Mark M. Gray Ph.D.
In winter 2013, DePaul University’s Office of Mission and Values (OMV) commissioned the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University to conduct a survey of “unaffiliated lay Vincentians,” that is young adults between the ages of 18 to 35 who have had a formative experience in the Vincentian mission either as a student or as a post-graduate volunteer at a Vincentian institution. The central purpose of this research is to help OMV explore these unaffiliated lay Vincentians’ understanding of their experiences with the Vincentian mission, their commitment to that mission, and their desire for more formation in the Vincentian charism.
In collaboration with OMV, CARA designed an online survey with 72 closed-ended and four open-ended questions. The survey asked respondents about their past and current engagement with the Vincentian mission, their understanding of the dimensions of the Vincentian mission, the importance they give to Vincentian values, their interest in learning more about the Vincentian charism, their past and current religiosity and spirituality, and their demographic characteristics. Between February 2014 and May 2014, CARA and OMV distributed a link to the survey to a total of 1,737 men and women that OVM identified as unaffiliated lay Vincentians. A total of 351 men and women (or 20 percent of those who had been sent the survey) completed the questionnaire.