The “Studies” offered on the Via Sapientiae site are articles or excerpts from books that deal with Vincent de Paul. Some treat him directly, as the object of the study, or the source of letters and documents that come from him. Other studies treat him indirectly by presenting his contemporaries or events from his period. The literature on Vincent de Paul is vast but individual items are often difficult to find. For this reason, these studies are presented for the use of scholars. The majority of the studies are in French, but works in other languages are or will be available. The works given here are listed alphabetically according to the author’s name.

John E. Rybolt, C.M.


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Bouchet, entretiens des ordinands

Bousquet, Casimir

Calvet, Jean

Coste, Pierre

Coste, Simiane de la

d'Agnel, Arnaud

Duval, Andre

Feillet, Alphonse

Feron, Alexandre

Goyau, Georges

Maloney, Robert

Morin, Jean