Psychology Night Research Posters and Presentations

Faculty Sponsor, if applicable

Leonard Jason

Project Abstract

Social networks provide detailed data on group relations which can inform researchers and practitioners on effective recovery methods (White & Harary, 2001). These relationships can portray group attributes such as friendship levels, advice-seeking behaviors, and helping qualities which are vital to providing social support in recovery (Humphreys, Mankowski, Moos, & Finney, 1999). The present study examines small group networks of 42 democratically run recovery homes (Oxford Houses) by analyzing social network graphs and recovery outcomes. Some considered outcomes are self-efficacy, sense of community, and hope, as well as relapse and turnover. Social network graphs and correlations between network attributes and recovery outcomes will be presented.

Type of Research

Department Honors, McNair Scholar, Undergraduate Student - Independent Study


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Presentation Year

May 2019
