Digital Commons@DePaul - Grace Peterson Nursing Research Colloquium: The Effect of Telemedicine with Healthcare Provider Feedback on Glycemic Control and Weight Loss in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes

Start Date

23-8-2019 9:00 AM

End Date

23-8-2019 11:30 AM



Background: Telemedicine with feedback (e.g., medication adjustments, lifestyle changes, support) may be effective in weight management and glycemic control. There has been mixed research determining whether telemedicine is effective in diabetes management and a lack of evidence identifying what strategies make it effective.

Objectives: The purpose of this integrative literature review was to identify whether telemonitoring with healthcare professional feedback is effective in weight management and glycemic control in those with type 2 diabetes and if so, how it is effective.

Method: An integrative literature review was conducted using the following databases: CINAHL, ProQuest, PubMed, and PsycInfo. Search terms included telemonitoring, telemedicine, telehealth, type 2 diabetes, weight, glycemic control, and hemoglobin A1c.

Results: Nine of the 11 studies that addressed glycemic control found significant improvements in glycemic control with the use of telemonitoring with healthcare professional feedback. Six of the 11 studies discussing weight management concluded that they found significant reductions in weight upon implementation of their telemonitoring programs with healthcare professional feedback. The three most frequently mentioned strategies that made telemedicine with feedback effective were increased knowledge of diabetes, availability of support, and increased medication adherence.

Conclusion: Most studies found telemedicine with healthcare professional feedback to be effective in promoting glycemic control in those with type 2 diabetes. Mixed results were found when evaluating the effects of telemedicine with feedback on weight loss in these individuals and therefore, more research should be done to confirm telemedicine’s effects on weight. This integrative literature review also introduced a new perspective to studying telemedicine with feedback by considering the strategies that make it effective. Future studies need to further investigate these strategies.


Aug 23rd, 9:00 AM Aug 23rd, 11:30 AM

The Effect of Telemedicine with Healthcare Provider Feedback on Glycemic Control and Weight Loss in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes


Background: Telemedicine with feedback (e.g., medication adjustments, lifestyle changes, support) may be effective in weight management and glycemic control. There has been mixed research determining whether telemedicine is effective in diabetes management and a lack of evidence identifying what strategies make it effective.

Objectives: The purpose of this integrative literature review was to identify whether telemonitoring with healthcare professional feedback is effective in weight management and glycemic control in those with type 2 diabetes and if so, how it is effective.

Method: An integrative literature review was conducted using the following databases: CINAHL, ProQuest, PubMed, and PsycInfo. Search terms included telemonitoring, telemedicine, telehealth, type 2 diabetes, weight, glycemic control, and hemoglobin A1c.

Results: Nine of the 11 studies that addressed glycemic control found significant improvements in glycemic control with the use of telemonitoring with healthcare professional feedback. Six of the 11 studies discussing weight management concluded that they found significant reductions in weight upon implementation of their telemonitoring programs with healthcare professional feedback. The three most frequently mentioned strategies that made telemedicine with feedback effective were increased knowledge of diabetes, availability of support, and increased medication adherence.

Conclusion: Most studies found telemedicine with healthcare professional feedback to be effective in promoting glycemic control in those with type 2 diabetes. Mixed results were found when evaluating the effects of telemedicine with feedback on weight loss in these individuals and therefore, more research should be done to confirm telemedicine’s effects on weight. This integrative literature review also introduced a new perspective to studying telemedicine with feedback by considering the strategies that make it effective. Future studies need to further investigate these strategies.