Digital Commons@DePaul - Grace Peterson Nursing Research Colloquium: The Benefits of Yoga Therapy to the Health and Wellness of Cancer Patients: An Integrative Review

Presenter Information

Rima BeitoniFollow

Start Date

19-3-2018 10:00 AM

End Date

19-3-2018 11:30 AM



Background: The health and wellness – body, mind, and spirit, of cancer patients is vital to each person’s quality of life. Due to the psychological stressors and physical, mental, and emotional pressures cancer patients’ experience, they are at risk for impaired health and wellness and diminished Quality of Life (QOL). Yoga has been shown to benefit individuals by enhancing their coping ability to transform stress, anxiety, and pain to be more manageable.

Purpose: The purpose of this integrated literature review is to analyze evidence-based research and practices that explore the benefits of yoga in cancer patients and to explain how yoga therapy improves health and wellness in cancer patients.

Methods: The conceptual framework, Salutogenic Theory (ST), utilized in this study focuses on a health-enhancing (salutary) holistic approach. CINAHL Complete, PsycARTICLES, and PubMed were searched using database keywords “yoga therapy” and “cancer patients”. Research was limited to peer-reviewed articles published within the last ten years, from 2008 to 2018.

Results: From the data analysis, results presented by many researchers express that yoga helps manage psychological factors such as depression, anxiety, stress, and affect. Despite the limitations of small sample sizes, the review of literature presents these positive benefits in these factors affecting health and wellness.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that with these psychological and physiological improvements, yoga can benefit the health and wellness of cancer patients. However, it is suggested that larger sample sizes be used in future research studies.

Keywords: yoga therapy, cancer patients

Included in

Nursing Commons


Mar 19th, 10:00 AM Mar 19th, 11:30 AM

The Benefits of Yoga Therapy to the Health and Wellness of Cancer Patients: An Integrative Review


Background: The health and wellness – body, mind, and spirit, of cancer patients is vital to each person’s quality of life. Due to the psychological stressors and physical, mental, and emotional pressures cancer patients’ experience, they are at risk for impaired health and wellness and diminished Quality of Life (QOL). Yoga has been shown to benefit individuals by enhancing their coping ability to transform stress, anxiety, and pain to be more manageable.

Purpose: The purpose of this integrated literature review is to analyze evidence-based research and practices that explore the benefits of yoga in cancer patients and to explain how yoga therapy improves health and wellness in cancer patients.

Methods: The conceptual framework, Salutogenic Theory (ST), utilized in this study focuses on a health-enhancing (salutary) holistic approach. CINAHL Complete, PsycARTICLES, and PubMed were searched using database keywords “yoga therapy” and “cancer patients”. Research was limited to peer-reviewed articles published within the last ten years, from 2008 to 2018.

Results: From the data analysis, results presented by many researchers express that yoga helps manage psychological factors such as depression, anxiety, stress, and affect. Despite the limitations of small sample sizes, the review of literature presents these positive benefits in these factors affecting health and wellness.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that with these psychological and physiological improvements, yoga can benefit the health and wellness of cancer patients. However, it is suggested that larger sample sizes be used in future research studies.

Keywords: yoga therapy, cancer patients


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