
Creation Date
Gary Scott and Martin Sellers created this map in GEO 441 - GIS for Community Development to depict a longitudinal study of the concentration of young adult population (18-34 years old) in relation to CTA rail line access on the Northside of Chicago. For the purpose of this research, the Northside of Chicago is north of the Loop, east of the 1-90/94 corridor, and south of the Rogers Park Neighborhood. The research team calculated the number of young adults living in all census blocks within a walkable distance of CTA rail stations in Chicago using an ArcGIS buffer analysis for the years 1990, 2000 and 2010. They then compared these figures with the total city population. They found that the ratio increased over time indicating that young adults are clustering closer to stations. Data indicated there was increase of 2.33% in the ratio of young adult population to total population from 1990 to 2010 within a walkable distance of CTA rail access. Much of the concentration of increased young adult residence was along the Northern branch of the blue line headed towards O’Hare International Airport and the red line north of the Loop. This research will inform public policy makers of the trend in young adults desiring to live within a walkable distance (.25-.5 miles) of CTA rail access. Developers, legislators and planners need to consider this trend when constructing public policy concerning transportation, placemaking, economic and equitable development in Chicago.
chicago, rail, CTA, transportation, population, population change, gentrification, mass transit, public transport