Submissions from 2012
Maximizing Clinical Fellowships, Julie Lawton
Social and Political Challenges Facing Communities of Color in Affordable Housing, Julie Lawton
Lost Profits: Injury to Business and Breach of Real Estate Contracts, Margit Livingston
Is Systemic Risk Prevention the New Paradigm? A Proposal to Expand Investor Protection Principles to the Hedge Fund Industry, Cary Martin Shelby
Private Investment Companies in the Wake of the Financial Crisis: Rethinking the Effectiveness of the Sophisticated Investor Exemption, Cary Martin Shelby
Class Action Defendants' New Lochnerism,, Mark Moller
Common Problems for the Common Answers Test: Class Certification in Amgen and Comcast, Mark Moller
The Checks and Balances of Forum Shopping, Mark Moller
Citizen Participation in Immigration Adjudication, Daniel Morales
The Impact of Arizona v. United States, Daniel Morales
Jewish and American Bankruptcy Law: Their Similarities, Differences and Interactions, Steven Resnicoff
Jewish Law and the Tragedy of Sexual Abuse of Children - The Dilemma within the Orthodox Jewish Community, Steven Resnicoff
Understanding Jewish Law, Steven Resnicoff
Jewish and American Inheritance Law: Commonalities, Clashes, and Estate Planning Consequences, Steven Resnicoff and Donna Litman
A Comparative Analysis of the Doctrinal Consequences of Interpretive Disagreement for Implied Constitutional Rights, Zoe Robinson
Affirmative Action: Where we've been? Where are we now? What impact will policies have on the future of higher education and the legal profession?, Jennifer Rosato Perea
Nuestra Historia: Lucha, Sacrificio y Triunfo, Jennifer Rosato Perea
Reflections of a Reluctant Pioneer, Jennifer Rosato Perea
With Liberty and Justice for All: How to Acknowledge and Address Unconscious Perceptions in the in the Justice System, Jennifer Rosato Perea
Justice Scalia and the Art of Rhetoric, Jeffrey Shaman
Rules of General Applicability, Jeffrey Shaman
Book Review: Rachel St. John, Line in the Sand: A History of the Western U.S.-Mexico Border (2011), Allison Tirres
Bordered Lands: Legal Culture and Land Use in the Nineteenth-Century Southwest, Allison Tirres
Deportation Relief and the Problem of Property Ties, Allison Tirres
Non-Citizen Property Rights and State Constitutional Reform, Allison Tirres
Property Outliers: Non-Citizens, Property Rights and State Power, Allison Tirres
Common-Law Interpretation of Appropriate Education: The Road Not Taken in Rowley, Mark Weber
Procedures and Remedies Under Section 504 and the ADA for Public School Children with Disabilities, Mark Weber
Understanding Disability Law, 2d Edition, Mark Weber
Submissions from 2011
Team Up with Your TA: Incorporating Late-Night TV Elements into the LRW Classroom, Benjamin Alba
And All the Pieces Matter: Thoughts on the Wire and the Criminal Justice System, Susan Bandes
Moral Imagination in Judging, Susan Bandes
Power Lies in the Emotion, Susan Bandes
The Lone Miscreant, the Self-Training Prosecutor, and Other Fictions: A Comment on Connick v. Thompson, Susan Bandes
Crimes Against Humanity: Historical Evolution and Contemporary Application, M. Bassiouni
Terrorism: The Persistent Dilema of Legitimacy, M. Bassiouni
Terrorism: The Persistent Dilema of Legitimacy, M. Bassiouni
New challenges for the UN human rights machinery : what future for the UN treaty body system and the Human Rights Council procedures?, M. Bassiouni and William Schabas
E-Marriage and the Military, Monu Bedi
Making Partnerships Work for Mom and Pop and Everyone Else, Emily Cauble
Making Partnerships Work for Mom and Pop and Everyone Else, Emily Cauble
Chicago-Kent Junior Faculty Workshop 2011: Public-Private Contracts and the Failures of Contract Theory, Wendy Epstein
University of Chicago Law School Lecture, 2011: Written Discovery, Wendy Epstein
Environment, Society, and Food, Rebecca Feinberg, Paige West, and Dan Brockington
Environment, Society, and Food, Rebecca Feinberg, Paige West, and Dan Brockington
Environment, Society, and Food, Rebecca Feinberg, Paige West, and Dan Brockington
2010 cultural heritage legal summary, Patty Gerstenblith
International Art and Cultural Heritage, Patty Gerstenblith
The Judicial Role in Trademark Law, Michael Grynberg
The Biological Weapons Convention and the Democratization of Mass Violence, Barry Kellman
Constructed Personas and Living Copyrights, Roberta Kwall
Creating a Landscape of Innovation, Roberta Kwall
Creativity and Cultural Influence in Early Jewish Law, Roberta Kwall
Culture and Jewish Law, Roberta Kwall
Specialized Clinics, Julie Lawton
Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered: The Courts and Revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code Ten Years Later, Margit Livingston
Interest: The Use Value of Money and Restitutionary Damages: Payment for Benefits Received, Margit Livingston
Supplement to Selected Consumer Protection Statutes, Margit Livingston and Wayne Lewis
Procedure's Ambiguity, Mark Moller
Standing on Quicksand: Why Law Students Need New Survival Skills for an Evolving Legal Landscape, Allen Moye
Illinois Tort Law, 4th edition, Bruce Ottley, Rogelio Lasso, and Michael Polelle
Economics of Biotechnology: The Human Gene Patenting Debate, Steven Resnicoff
Shooting down Suicide Airplanes - What's Law Got to Do With It, Steven Resnicoff
Comparative Judicial Attitudinalism: A Preliminary Study of Judicial Choices in Westminster Legal Systems, Zoe Robinson
Rationalizing Religious Exemptions: A Legislative Process Theory of Statutory Exemptions for Religion, Zoe Robinson
Adolescent and Health Care Decision Making: The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same, Jennifer Rosato Perea
Diversity Lunch, Peoria County Bar Association (Keynote Speaker), Jennifer Rosato Perea
Hiring from the Administration's Perspective, Jennifer Rosato Perea
So You Want to Be a Law Professor?, Jennifer Rosato Perea
Testing and Assessment of Students, Feedback About Yourself, How You Measure Your Own Progress and Effectiveness as a Teacher, Jennifer Rosato Perea
What are the Implications of Roper's Dilemma for Adolescent Health Law, Jennifer Rosato Perea
Workshop on Unconscious Bias in the Legal Profession, Jennifer Rosato Perea
Derivation and Prior Art Problems with the New Patent Act, Joshua Sarnoff
Patent Eligible Inventions After Bilski: History and Theory, Joshua Sarnoff
Patent Eligible Medical and Biotechnology Inventions After Bilski, Prometheus, and Myriad, Joshua Sarnoff
The Patent System and Climate Change, Joshua Sarnoff
A Nation of Immigrants? A Brief History of Immigrant Reception and Exclusion in the U.S., Allison Tirres
Book Review: Kelly Lytle Hernandez, Migra! A History of the U.S. Border Patrol (2010), Allison Tirres
Citizenship and the Borderlands During Civil War and Reconstruction, Allison Tirres
From Frontier to Border: The Legal Heritage of the Southwest, Allison Tirres
Law as Sentry: Conditions of Inclusion in the Nineteenth-Century United States, Allison Tirres
Property in Immigration Adjudication, Allison Tirres
Roundtable: Bringing the Law Back In: New Approaches to the History of the U.S. in the World, Allison Tirres
The Changing Face of Society: Immigration, Diversity, and Tolerance, Allison Tirres
Critical Race Materialism: Theorizing Justice in the Wake of Global Neoliberalism, Francisco Valdes and Sumi Cho
Disability Rights, Welfare Law, Mark Weber
The Common Law of Disability Discrimination, Mark Weber
Submissions from 2010
The Promise and Pitfalls of Neuroscience for Criminal Law and Procedure, Susan Bandes
Crimes Against Humanity: The Case for a Specialized Convention, M. Bassiouni
Perspectives on International Criminal Justice, M. Bassiouni
Perspectives on International Criminal Justice, M. Bassiouni
The Institutionalization of Torture by the Bush Administration: Is Anyone Responsible?, M. Bassiouni
The Institutionalization of Torture by the Bush Administration: Is Anyone Responsible?, M. Bassiouni
The pursuit of international criminal justice : a world study on conflicts, victimization, and post-conflict justice, M. Bassiouni
The pursuit of international criminal justice : a world study on conflicts, victimization, and post-conflict justice, M. Bassiouni