Submission Guidelines | ICHRIE Research Reports | Driehaus College of Business | DePaul University

Submission Guidelines

Preparation and Structure of the Main Document

The Main Document should be a Microsoft Word document in English, double-spaced using a common 12-point font (such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman), and should have no more than 10,000 words, including all words on all pages, graphics, and references. The title should be no more than 65 characters.

Use a writing style that is appropriate for the RR's audience: the hospitality and tourism business community. The report should clearly articulate the research topic and conclude with clear and actionable implications for industry leaders. The writing style is a direct, active voice, and uses simple declarative sentences. A strict scholarly tone that is more common in scientific journal articles should be avoided.

A RR submission is developed from a research-based study that addresses issues associated with the hospitality and tourism industry. The report is an implementable study that provides actionable and clear suggestions on what the reader could do differently having read the article.

Reminder: the author's identity is not included in this Main Document.

  1. Executive Summary: Begin the paper with an executive summary of no more than 150 words and presented as a single paragraph with no subheadings. Executive summaries present a succinct summary of the full manuscript and should consider including the who, what, where, and when of the topic. Executive summaries contain a brief statement of the problem covered in the document, background information, concise analysis, and main conclusions for readers to quickly grasp the report's content. Executive summaries are not marketing teasers.
  2. Research Report Headings: For the body of the report, section headings and subheadings should be created that are descriptive and provide the reader with logical breaks in text.
    1. Main headings should be in bold type and centered on the page.
    2. Second level subheadings should be left margin justified with bold type.
    3. Third level subheadings should be left margin justified with bold and italicized type.
    4. All headings should be written in title case.
  3. Page Numbers: Do not include page or line numbers in your document. The system auto-populates these items.
  4. Citations and References: Sources must be cited within the text and use full citations in the reference section. Use APA (7th edition) for the reference and citation structure.
  5. Tables and Figures: Tables and figures, along with legends, should be embedded in the text where you would like them to appear. Do not place them at the end of the manuscript. Prepare all graphics exactly as you would like them to appear. The system converts Microsoft Word documents to PDF. Formatting for tables and figures could be slightly impacted by this conversion process. Therefore, use common fonts, styles, and colors when creating graphics.
  6. Copy Editing: The journal does not have copy editors. What you submit and is accepted to the RR is most likely what is seen and published online. Authors are strongly encouraged to engage an outside copy editor for assistance prior to submission. Manuscripts that do not meet journal standards will not be accepted.

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What Happens Next

Once you have submitted your document into the manuscript submission system, the paper is desk reviewed by the editorial team for general acceptability. Submitted manuscripts either (a) move forward for the double-blind (anonymous) review or (b) are returned to the author with comments.

All manuscripts that pass the initial editor's desk review are peer reviewed. The review is double-blind (anonymous) — the reviewer does not know the identity of the author and vice versa. Manuscripts are reviewed by scholars or industry experts prior to the editorial team's evaluation of the manuscript and reviewer comments.

If the editor decides that a manuscript is suitable, but requires revision, the author is requested to revise and resubmit the manuscript. Manuscripts must be revised accordingly and resubmitted within 30 days through the online submission system.

All manuscripts accepted for publication are to be edited by the authors for clarity, flow, logic, correct grammar and usage, and must conform to APA style (7th edition). Authors are responsible for accuracy of theory, literature review, research methodology, findings, and industry implications. RR reserves the right to suspend a manuscript's publication at any time if it fails to meet required standards.

There are no fees to submit or publish your paper in RR.

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