About This Journal | ICHRIE Research Reports | Driehaus College of Business | DePaul University

About This Journal

ICHRIE Research Reports interpret the extensive academic research of the ICHRIE community to inform industry practice and policymakers. These research reports also place ICHRIE in the strategic forefront of generating and widely disseminating translational research in the hospitality and tourism industries.

Research Reports Benefits

Papers published in RR are potentially eligible for the following benefits:

  • Cross postings of the ICHRIE Research Reports link on various stakeholder websites.
  • Development of a 3 to 5-minute video supplement for each published article to showcase the author(s) and summarize the findings for industry and academic course content. The author(s) of the manuscript are invited to present in this video. If the author(s) do not wish to present, a member of the editorial staff or a selected representative may be featured in the video supplement. These videos are available as downloads for personal viewing and for use in academic activities, such as academic courses and industry seminars.
  • Authors of selected manuscripts may be invited to present at the research track of ICHRIE’s professional development academy.
  • Invitation to a one-day annual virtual conference for authors to showcase the most recently published articles to ICHRIE members and applicable industry partners.

ICHRIE Research Reports is part of the portfolio of International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education publications. Also included in that portfolio are: Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, and Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases. The compilation of the journal issue is copyrighted by International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ICHRIE), but authors retain the copyright for their article.