Volume 17, Number 1 (2014)
Volume 17, Number 1, is dedicated to “teaching the works of Elena Poniatowska,” Mexico’s prominent journalist and novelist who has published more than 50 books. Articles present various teaching strategies and concepts for orientation to Poniatowska’s books, with experiential examples, and intimate reflections on her work. Issue includes the photography of Graciela Iturbide.Articles
Teaching Mexico's Remarkable Writer
Elizabeth Coonrod Martínez
Trenzando interrogaciones pedagógicas
Magdalena Maiz-Peña
Reading Elena Poniatowska's Leonora in an Undergraduate Seminar
Aurora Camacho de Schmidt
Teaching Gaby Brimmer: A Disability Studies Approach
Beth Jörgensen
Constructing the Democratic Reader: The Functions of Textual Hybridity in La noche de Tlatelolco
Manuel Chinchilla
Exploring Disaster Experiences through Elena Poniatowska's Nada, nadie: Las voces del temblor
Dawn Slack
Tracking Jesusa: Geographic Information Systems and Character Development in Hasta no verte, Jesús mío
Pamela H. Long and Kevin W. Long
Las crónicas femeninas de Elena Poniatowska en la construcción de un archivo digital
María Claudia André
Querido Diego, te abraza Quiela y las cartas de Angelina Beloff en el archivo Museo Frida Kahlo
Nathanial Gardner
Pedagogía crítica, crónica cultural y corporeidad auto/biográfica en "Nahui Olin: La que hizo olas" de Elena Poniatowska
Magdalena Maiz-Peña
Ser chaparrita: Los textos testimoniales como desafío al mundo académico y las lecciones de Elena Poniatowska
Alicia Partnoy
Ausencia-Presencia: Delineando una narrativa de personajes fugitivos de Elena Poniatowska
Liliana Pedroza
Elena y El Gaviero
Rey Andújar
Jesusa en Islandia: La traducción de Hasta no verte, Jesús mío
María Rán Guðjónsdóttir
Elena Poniatowska: Then, Now and Forever
Claire Brewster
Cracking Codes of Resistance: The Adaptation of Elena Poniatowska's Story "De noche vienes" to Film
Lea Ramsdell
Class Privilege and Social Class Awakening in Paseo de la Reforma
Linda Ledford-Miller
Constant and Daring, The Life of Elena Poniatowska: An Interview
Elizabeth Coonrod Martínez and Elena Poniatowska
Mujeres, arte y literatura: Una charla con Elena Poniatowska
María del Carmen Vera López, Jimena Zambrano, and Elena Poniatowska
Rincón Creativo
Confederaciones Antillanas
Blanca Anderson
Elipsis de un Still Life
Blanca Anderson
About the Artist/Photographer
Book Reviews
Rafael Ferrer
Delia Consentino
Listening to Detail: Performances of Cuban Music
Jennifer Lambe

- Editor
- Elizabeth Coonrod Martínez
- Assistant Editor
- Cristina Rodríguez
- Poetry & Creative Editor
- Juana Q. Goergen
- Book Review Editor
- Bill Johnson González
- Film & Media Review Editor
- Ron Fernández
- Editorial Consulting Board
- Gabriela Baeza Ventura, University of Houston
- Allert Brown-Gort, University of Notre Dame
- Norma E. Cantú, University of Missouri, Kansas City
- Rafael Chabrán, Whittier College
- Arlene Dávila, New York University
- Gilda Ochoa, Pomona College
- Kim Potowski, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Luis Escala Rabadán, Colegio de la Frontera Norte
- María de los Angeles Torres, University of Illinois at Chicago
- CLR-DePaul Advisory Board
- Ron Fernández, Computing & Digital Media
- Juana Q. Goergen, Spanish
- Bill Johnson González, English
- Megan Bernal, University Library
- Office Manager
- Christina Tus
- Student Staff
- Brenda E. Becerra
- Paulina Nava
- Jaime Ochoa
- Copy Editing Services
- Ben Levitt
- Press
- Corporate Graphics of America, Inc.