Faculty Publications – College of Science and Health
The Influence of Trauma History and Relationship Power on Latinas’ Sexual Risk for HIV/STIs
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A community sample of Latinas completed surveys that included measures of sexual abuse and intimate partner violence history, relationship power, negotiating power regarding condom use, perceived HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) risk for sexual partner, and sexual behavior. More than half of the women reported a history of intimate partner violence in the past year and/or sexual abuse in their lifetime. Intimate partner violence was correlated with lower overall sexual relationship power scores, while sexual abuse was correlated with lower condom-use negotiating power. More extensive intimate partner violence had the strongest association with higher HIV/STI risk, while controlling for relationship status, sexual abuse, and relationship power.
Recommended Citation
Mary E. Randolph, Heather L. Gamble & Joanna Buscemi (2011) The Influence of Trauma History and Relationship Power on Latinas’ Sexual Risk for HIV/STIs, International Journal of Sexual Health, 23:2, 111-119, DOI: 10.1080/19317611.2011.566306