"The Barriers to the Timely Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD by Advanced" by Annette Kowalczyk
College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations

The Barriers to the Timely Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD by Advanced Practice Nurses in the Pediatric Primary Care Setting

Date of Award

Spring 6-11-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Michelle Newuman, DNP

Second Advisor

Jessica Bishop-Royse

Third Advisor

Shannon Simonovich, PhD, RN


Introduction: This purpose of the study was to identify barriers to diagnosing and treating attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder (ADHD) in pediatric primary care. Method: This study utilized a survey tool sent to Advanced Practice Nurse members of the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board in March of 2020 and gathered information from 415 participants. Results: In a linear regression analysis, participants who received ADHD specific training showed a significantly increased level of comfort in overall ADHD management (p

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