"LGBTQIA+ Care Simulation: Examining Participating Students’ Attitude a" by Grezelro Gonzalez
College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award

Spring 6-11-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



Second Advisor

Shannon D. Simonovich

Third Advisor

Cecilia Hardacker, MSN, RN, CNL


Background: The LGBTQIA+ communities face healthcare disparities that contribute to reduced overall health. One factor affecting LGBTQIA+ communities’ reduced overall health is poor health-promoting behaviors or avoidance of care due to healthcare providers’ lack of knowledge, poor attitude, and low comfort levels with LGBTQIA+ care. There are limited studies to date that address nursing students’ attitude and comfort with LGBTQIA+ affirming care interventions outside of lectures. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a simulation intervention on the attitude and comfort of prelicensure nursing students towards providing care to members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Sample: Study sample was comprised of a convenience sample of pre-licensure nursing students (n = 40) enrolled in a Community Health Nursing didactic course. Method: This study utilized a pre-test post-test design in which the participants rated their attitude and comfort towards LGBTQIA+ care before and after a simulation experience utilizing the Nursing Student’s Knowledge and Attitudes of LGBT Health Concerns (NKALH) survey. Results: There was a statistically significant improvement in participating students’ comfort levels after the simulation intervention. There was no statistically significant improvement in participating students’ attitudes after the simulation intervention. Conclusion: Results showed a significant improvement in participants’ comfort towards providing LGBTQIA+ care after the simulation intervention. While the same intervention did not significantly improve participants’ attitudes towards LGBTQIA+ care, results were trending towards positive. Simulation interventions focusing on LGBTQIA+ care should be integrated into prelicensure nursing curriculum to improve the nursing care of LGBTQIA+ communities.

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