"Perspective Taking: A Tool for Improving Team Member Relationships and" by Mikayla Ann Marcinkowski
College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award

Fall 11-22-2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Suzanne Bell, PhD

Second Advisor

Alice Stuhlmacher, PhD

Third Advisor

Shelly Rauvola, PhD


Researchers and practitioners alike are interested in ways to help teams reach their full potential. In the current research, perspective taking is presented and tested as a tool that can help teams build and maintain positive interpersonal relationships and achieve top performance. Further, the current research integrates several conceptualizations of perspective taking to acknowledge that while some people may be more inclined to engage in perspective taking behaviors, there is the potential to train perspective taking as a skill for those who are not. Thus, this research also tests the effectiveness of a perspective taking intervention focused on encouraging the use of positive perspective taking behaviors and suppressing negative behaviors during task and social situations. Results show that the relationships between perspective taking, and interpersonal relationships and performance are complex. While initial results indicate that perspective taking may be detrimental to relationships and performance, further investigation reveals that the benefits of perspective taking are contingent on factors such as the situational context and specific behavior or dimension of perspective taking expressed. Further, self-monitoring, but not empathy, was related to an individual’s propensity to engage in perspective taking behaviors. Lastly, while reaction data provide support for the effectiveness of a perspective taking intervention, behavioral data do not. Together, such results have implications for both theory and practice, and can inform future research programs.

SLP Collection

