Date of Award
Spring 6-11-2021
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
First Advisor
Molly Brown, PhD
Second Advisor
Jocelyn Smith Carter, PhD
Aims: There is limited research on the characteristics of individuals experiencing homelessness
who achieve positive housing outcomes in rapid re-housing (RRH) interventions. This study
aimed to identify a typology of homelessness based on Self-Sufficiency Matrix (SSM) domains
and examine its relation to sociodemographic characteristics and housing placement in RRH.
Methods: Homeless Management Information System data, including sociodemographics, SSM
domains, and housing outcomes, were obtained for 261 Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program participants in Indianapolis, IN.
Results: Latent class analysis revealed three subgroups based on SSM domains. Latent class
regression found the subgroups were significantly associated with race and significantly
predicted housing placement during RRH services.
Conclusions: Future research is needed to understand factors influencing differential self-sufficiency, as measured by the SSM, among Black and White individuals. Results affirm that
individuals with greater psychosocial self-sufficiency have better housing outcomes in RRH than
those with more complex support needs.
Recommended Citation
Lei, Quinmill, "Identifying a Typology of Homelessness Based on Self-Sufficiency: Implications for Rapid Re-Housing Interventions" (2021). College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 376.
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