"Peer Mentorship: Reported Outcomes Among Student Registered Nurse Anes" by Aja Rivera and Champagna Conner
College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award

Fall 11-26-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Julia Feczko, DNP, CRNA

Second Advisor

Karen Kapanke


Background: Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist (SRNAs) experience high levels of stress and anxiety while enrolled a demanding nurse anesthesia program; a peer mentorship program fosters an encouraging support system for SRNAs. Purpose: The purpose of this project was to evaluate if a peer mentorship program was effective at diminishing stress & anxiety, social isolation, enhancing preparedness amongst the first and second-year SRNAs, and to evaluate the perceived effectiveness of mentorship amongst students enrolled in the NorthShore University HealthSystem School of Nurse Anesthesia (NSUHS SONA). Methods: This quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study design involved three cohorts of SRNAs. Participants communicated through personal interaction and Facebook discussion posts. Then they completed a post participation survey with Likert-scale responses to evaluate the program’s outcome on stress and anxiety, social isolation, preparedness for didactic and clinical rotations, and the perceived effectiveness of mentorship. Results: The post- participation survey reported the following range of mean scores for each construct: stress and anxiety (M= 1.71-2.43), emotional support (M =1.14 -1.86), preparedness (M =1.86-2.50), and mentorship evaluation (M= 2.00-3.42). Lower mean scores were a positive reflection on the intended goals of the peer mentorship program. Overall, the participants in this study reported that the peer mentorship program should be continued at NSUHS SONA. Conclusion: Mentorship is beneficial to graduate students enrolled at NSUHS SONA. A wellstructured and well-planned mentorship program should be integrated throughout the nurse anesthesia curriculum.

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