Date of Award
Winter 3-22-2019
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
First Advisor
Pamela Schwartz DNP, CRNA
Background: Current infection control practice has proven to be inadequate and pathogen transfer from anesthesia provider to patient is well established in literature, especially pertaining to contamination during direct laryngoscopy (DL), which exposes both surface and patient to disease, viruses, and bacteria.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the acquisition of confidence and perceived knowledge of proper handling of potential contaminants during induction and DL utilizing video simulation among junior level (second year) nurse anesthesia trainees (NAT-2s) enrolled at NorthShore University HealthSystem (NSUHS).
Method: Eighteen NAT-2s were evaluated using single group, pre-test post-test design, both before and immediately after video simulation, on the steps of induction and endotracheal intubation using double glove technique.
Results: A paired samples t test was conducted to compare pre- and post-tests for confidence and perceived knowledge. The results demonstrated a significant increase in both outcomes. There was a statistically significant difference between pre (M = 3.1; SD = 0.75) and post (M = 4.4; SD = 0.41) mean scores on confidence with t test statistics showing t(df =17) = -7.41, p < 0.001. Additionally, there was a statistically significant difference between pre (M = 0.0; SD = 0.00) and post (M = 0.6; SD = 0.50) mean scores on perceived knowledge with t test statistics value of t(df=17) = -5.17, p < 0.001. Demographic variables had no significant effect on the scores of confidence or perceived knowledge.
Conclusion: Video simulation on the sequence of induction and DL using double glove technique increased both confidence and perceived knowledge among junior level NATs. This pilot study provides preliminary evidence to support that video simulation education demonstrating the proper handling of contaminants may reduce patient harm, and improve provider compliance of infection control standards if presented during nurse anesthesia curriculum to junior level NATs. Further research should be conducted on a larger scale to support evidence on the value of infection control video education to NATs.
Recommended Citation
Farida, Debra and Callow, Megan E., "Infection Control of the Anesthesia Workspace – Double Glove Technique" (2019). College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 329.
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