Date of Award
Spring 6-14-2019
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
First Advisor
Alice Stuhlmacher, PhD
Second Advisor
Goran Kuljanin, PhD
Third Advisor
Kimberly Quinn, PhD
The use of valid selection tests enables organizations to better select employees who have the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that are necessary for success. While cognitive ability tests are one of the best predictors of performance, they have well-known limitations. Specifically, they can result in adverse impact, and there is clear evidence of retest effects. The use of personality tests, when included in a selection battery, can ameliorate adverse impact and can provide incremental validity. Personality tests, however, also have limitations. Namely, they can be faked, the construct can be measured in various ways (i.e., there are myriad constructs, many of which can be measured at a trait level and a facet level), and there are numerous moderators of the personality–performance relationship. This lab study investigated the facet-level conscientiousness–performance relationship, explored evidence regarding practice effects in personality tests, examined whether situational strength moderated the personality–performance relationship, and looked at the form of the relationship between personality and performance. A unique contribution of this study is that performance was operationalized by using an in-basket that assessed four different dimensions of performance. In general, the hypotheses were not supported, underscoring the need for future research.
Recommended Citation
Abben, Daniel R., "Effects of Personality Retesting on Validity Coefficients as Moderated by Situational Strength" (2019). College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 291.
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