Date of Award
Summer 8-19-2018
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
First Advisor
Anne Saw, PhD
Second Advisor
Verena Graupmann, PhD
Cigarette smoking is the leading health problem in the United States. Recent literature has discussed risk perception and acculturation as possible protective factors against this risky health behavior. However, there is little research regarding dialectical thinking as a potential barrier for smoking cessation. The current study examined smoking outcomes, which include expectancies, attitudes, and intentions in Asian American males. Specifically, we examined acculturation and dialectical thinking as major factors influencing smoking outcomes. We hypothesized that dialectical thinking mediates the relationship between acculturation and smoking outcomes. We also hypothesized that Asian Americans who were primed to think dialectically would hold more positive and negative beliefs, and endorse more intentions to smoke than Asian Americans who were not primed to think dialectically. Significant findings include an indirect effect of dialectical thinking, specifically the cognitive change subscale, on the relationship between behavioral acculturation and smoking intention. Results indicate those who report less behavioral acculturation endorsed more dialectical thinking which relates to more smoking intention. Results showed participants who were primed to think dialectically did not endorse more positive and negative beliefs or have a higher likelihood of endorsing smoking intention than those who were not primed to think dialectically. The present study adds to the current literature on smoking in Asian Americans by exploring their cultural thought processes, which has received little empirical attention thus far.
Recommended Citation
Pham, Amber, "Dialectical Thinking and Smoking Outcomes in Asian Americans" (2018). College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 276.
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