Date of Award
Summer 8-20-2017
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
First Advisor
Kimberly Quinn, PhD
Second Advisor
Pablo Gomez, PhD
Prior research has shown that people who hold negative beliefs about a group of people (e.g., that they’re untrustworthy) will tend to hold more negative mental images of members of that group (Dotsch et al., 2008; 2013). Additional research has extended this idea further, suggesting that beliefs about the self (self-esteem) relate to how attractive a person imagines their own face (a self-face representation; Epley & Whitchurch, 2008; Shorten et al., 2017). Within the current study, we sought to expand this research further by demonstrating a positive relationship between participants’ scores in self-esteem and the positivity of their self-face representations. Additionally, we attempted to replicate previous findings describing a positive relationship between participants’ self-esteem scores and their self-face representation’s attractiveness. However, observed relationships proved low in magnitude, providing little to no support for our hypotheses. Given the lack of support, we identify several alterations to the original method that may aid further research.
Recommended Citation
Shorten, Christopher A., "Similarity Between Actual and Possible Selves and Its Relationship to Self-esteem" (2017). College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 225.
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