Date of Award
Spring 6-12-2017
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
First Advisor
Christopher Keys, PhD
Second Advisor
Megan Greeson, PhD
Third Advisor
Leonard Jason, PhD
Understanding the different dimensions of psychosocial HRQOL for youth
with spinal cord injury (SCI) is still a developing research focus in medical and disability studies. Pediatric-onset SCI is relatively rare. Family Stress Theory’s Adaptation Phase accounts for how a stressor can impact all family members (McCubbin and Patterson, 1993). This study aimed to look at new factors, including cognitive approaches to challenges, physical health indicators (i.e., incontinence), caregiver mental health problems (i.e., anxiety and depression), and general family dysfunction that may impact psychosocial HRQOL for youth (ages 6-18) with SCI, in terms of the perspectives of both the youth and the primary caregiver (n =158). This dissertation study used several linear regressions to determine each variable’s impact on each reporter’s psychosocial HRQOL. Negative Problem Orientation was significant in both caregiver proxy report and youth-report psychosocial HRQOL. Negative Problem Orientation and fecal incontinence were found to significantly impact psychosocial HRQOL. For the caregiver proxy-report psychosocial HRQOL, caregiver depression was found to be the most predictive. The findings of this study suggest that more research is needed to determine which variables impact both caregiver and youth-report psychosocial HRQOL for youth with SCI. Additionally, problem-solving and mental health interventions, as well as interventions/education about reducing incontinence may improve psychosocial
HRQOL for youth with SCI.
Recommended Citation
McAuliff, Kathleen E., "PREDICTORS OF HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE AMONG YOUTH WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY" (2017). College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 205.
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