Date of Award
Spring 5-2015
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Media and Cinema Studies
First Advisor
Dr. Michael DeAngelis
Second Advisor
Sheila Malik
Indian film and the way it interacts with the non-Indian fan community for Indian film presents an alternative to Oriantalist discourses by reaching out on an emotional level. Through surveys and interviews, this study shows how the fans find the films, find a community, and build a connection to India based on their initial massive emotional reaction to the films. By first looking at other scholarship on the topic, then the history of Indian film, it becomes apparent that this connection is outside of Said’s “network of interests” (3) that controls how the Orient is viewed, as the films have always been denigrated and ignored by the powerful both in India and abroad. Further, a study of the demographics of the fans and their history with the films shows how the emotional content allows the films to spread outside of their original audience and therefore introduce westerners to a human connection with India through the films.
Recommended Citation
Redlich, Margaret, "Love Conquers All: The Power of the Indian Film to Free the Audience from Orientalism" (2015). College of Communication Master of Arts Theses. 27.