Date of Award
Fall 11-2013
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Media and Cinema Studies
First Advisor
Paul Booth
Second Advisor
Michael DeAngelis
This thesis explores the current transitional moment in culture as cinema, identity, and a mediated society interact in a state of flux. My film project, Photostoria, was produced to addresses issues of memory, history, and identity in a digital, socially networked age, through the relationships of the characters/actors and through cinema's unique aesthetic language. The film uses a convergence and remediation of media to reflect the confusion and destabilization of identity formation in cultural terms. Specifically, time travel narratives create a metaphor for the experience of displacement in a hypermediated society. Photostoria is analyzed by way of narrative theory, new media studies, genre theory, and cultural studies in order to expose the affect in on and offline identity as consumer and producer fade into one another. The transmedia and collaborative element of the project presented through the connected website and kickstarter campaign demonstrate the way that the narrative fluctuates between virtual and non-virtual worlds.
Recommended Citation
Steenlage, Eli, "Identity in Flux: Cinematic Destabilization in Narrative and Form" (2013). College of Communication Master of Arts Theses. 21.