CLAPVI (Boletín de la Conferencia Latinoamericana de Provincias Vicentinas) | Vincentian Journals and Publications | DePaul University

CLAPVI (Boletín de la Conferencia Latinoamericana de Provincias Vicentinas)

Conferencia Latinoamericana de Provincias Vicentinas [“Boletín de la CLAPVI” through # 27]

The CLAPVI bulletin is a journal in Spanish, with occasional articles in Portuguese from the provinces of Brazil, published by the Latin American conference of Vincentian provinces. Beginning in 1973, its purpose is to help disseminate information and studies of interest to these provinces as well as to the larger Congregation of the Mission. Originally designed to appear four times a year, it gradually reduced its publication schedule to three times a year, beginning in 2000. At the same time, its length increased, from about 100 to approximately 500 pages a year.

Its value lies in the historical articles written by provinces that otherwise have a very limited list of publication, as well as in the on-going studies covering multiple aspects of Vincentian and Catholic life in Latin America, from Mexico south to Argentina and Chile. Notable work was done on the great social documents issued by the Latin American episcopate, always with an eye toward the specific Vincentian contribution to be made.

It was digitized by the editorial staff of CLAPVI. Additions have been made where pages were omitted. The texts are searchable. Below is a finding aid. Many issues, at least until 1996, were thematic, with articles focused on individual provinces, general meetings of CLAPVI, or specific questions. Yearly indices were published beginning in 1975 (with some omissions), and a complete index through issue 120.

John E. Rybolt, C.M. July 2009.

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