"Archives of the Daughters of Charity, Northeast Province, Albany, New " by Elaine Wheeler D.C.

Presenter Information

Elaine Wheeler D.C.


This is an inventory of the archives of the Northeast Province of the Daughters of Charity. It includes letters of Vincent de Paul; books and pamphlets by and about him; letters of Louise de Marillac and documents pertaining to her; books and pamphlets by and about her; letters of Elizabeth Ann Seton; books and pamphlets about her; conferences and circulars of the superiors general; the personal correspondence of Superior General William Slattery; books and other materials on the Congregation’s saints, blessed, and notable others; histories and annals of the Congregation; materials on the Vincentians in the United States; items relating to the Daughters of Charity’s government; materials on Catherine Laboure and other notable figures of the Daughters of charity; circulars and other items, including books, by and about the superioresses; books, pamphlets, etc. on the Daughters’ history; materials relating to early superiors and superioresses in the United States; items related to the Northeast Province’s government, history, and apostolates; and more.
