About This Journal | Vincentian Heritage Journal | Vincentian Journals and Publications | DePaul University

About This Journal

Vincentian Heritage is a peer-reviewed scholarly e-journal dedicated to promoting a living interest in the historical and spiritual heritage of the wide-ranging Vincentian family under the patronage of Saint Vincent de Paul (1581–1660) and Saint Louise de Marillac (1591–1660). Groups in this tradition include the Congregation of the Mission (founded 1625), the Company of the Daughters of Charity (founded 1633), the Ladies Charity (founded 1617), the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (founded 1833), and the Federation of the Sisters of Charity of the Vincentian-Setonian tradition (established 1947), as well as other religious and lay organizations and all those who work within educational, health care communities, social outreach and other ministries in the Vincentian tradition. It is published bi-annually under the direction of the Vincentian Studies Institute, Division of Mission and Ministry, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois.

Subscriptions are now provided gratis for all interested parties. All future editions of Vincentian Heritage will be available for download to your IPad, Kindle, tablet, or computer. From this point forward, to receive our periodical free-of-charge, please contact us at nmichaud@depaul.edu and provide your preferred email address. When future editions are published, you will receive an email including links to download the new full color, fully illustrated e-volume.

Vincentian Heritage welcomes manuscripts, poetry, and other expressions of Vincentian themes that meet the publication criteria. All articles should relate directly to topics of Vincentian interest, be researched and documented in a scholarly fashion, and directed toward Vincentian oriented groups in the reading public and the Vincentian family. We ask that you also supply an abstract for each submission, outlining the narrative and/or argument of your article. Ordinarily, articles should not exceed thirty typewritten pages and should be submitted twelve months prior to anticipated publication.

For more information, please visit http://vsi.depaul.edu.