Policies | Vincentian Heritage Journal | Vincentian Journals and Publications | DePaul University



Philosophy of Vincentian Heritage Journal

For more information, please see Vincentian Heritage Journal Aims and Scope page.

Who Can Submit?

Vincentian Heritage welcomes manuscripts, poetry, essays, and others publishable expressions of Vincentian themes that meet publication criteria.  All articles should related directly to topics of Vincentian interest, be researched and documented in scholarly fashion, and directed toward Vincentian oriented groups in the reading public, the Vincentian family, or interested scholars.  Anyone may submit an article to be considered for publication in the Heritage provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article.

General Submission Rules

By submitting material to the Vincentian Heritage journal, the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at another journal (electronic or print) and that he or she will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of our editorial decision process. Articles should not exceed thirty typewritten pages, and should be submitted twelve months prior to an anticipated publication. If you have concerns about the submission terms for the Vincentian Heritage journal, please contact the editors.

Formatting Requirements

In general articles for the Vincentian Heritage should follow the Chicago Manual of Style. We use the 15th edition (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2003). Your cooperation will speed the publication process. The following guidelines are offered for your consideration.

The following are essential points

Original Copy. Please send a copy, formatted for a PC, in Microsoft Word. Also provide a hard copy of the article for our reference. Either send it to us via email or burned to a cd-rom.

Use Double space throughout. This includes notes and block quotations. It is impossible to copyedit single spaced material. Never use triple or quadruple spaces between paragraphs or footnotes.

Use the same font and size throughout, we recommend Times 12.

Notes should appear as endnotes, double spaced throughout. Keep text and notes distinct from each other. If at all possible, do not use on-page footnotes.

Use the paragraph command (return key) only when ending a paragraph and starting a new one. Do not use it to set off block indents.

Use the tab key to indent a new paragraph. Please, never use the space bar.

The following points will speed the copyediting process

Do not use a separate title page. The title of the article is centered on the first page of the text, principal words are capitalized and in bold face. The names of authors and translators are centered but in lower case and plain type.

Headings and subheadings. The heading is centered, lower case, and in bold face. The first subheading is flush with the left margin, italicized, and separate from the following text. The second subheading is indented and continuous with the text.

Italics. Use italics instead of underscoring.

Place a comma after all the words in a series, e.g., “wine, women, and song,” not “wine, women and song.”

Foreign words that are not considered anglicized are italicized when first used, but not subsequently. Accents should follow the style of the original language. If your typewriter or computer does not have accent capability, write them in by hand.

Do NOT capitalize mass, high mass, low mass, vespers, names of sacraments, gospel (except when used with the name of the evangelist), community (even when referring to C.M. or D.C.), sister servant, visitor, superior general, or he (when referring to God or Christ). Exception: when they are capitalized in a direct quotation.

Capitalize archbishop, bishop, saint only when they immediately precede a name, e.g., “Joseph Rosati, bishop of Saint Louis,” but “Bishop Rosati of Saint Louis.” Also Church when referring to a specific denomination; Book and Gospel when used with their specific biblical name, e.g., Book of Job.

Spell in full Saint (not St.), Father (not Fr.), Reverend (not Rev.), Monsignor (not Msgr.). Exception: when they are in a direct quotation in which the abbreviation is used.

Scriptural citations are given in this form: 1 Samuel 3:14-19. The names of the books may be abbreviated in notes but no periods are used with the abbreviation (1 kgs 5:12).

Dates are given in this form: 25 January 1617. Years separated by a hyphen are written in full, e.g., 1624-1625.

Numbers below 100 and those that begin a sentence are written out. Numbers in the text 100 and above are written in Arabic numerals. Note the following: 4.5 million, 2 billion, 25 percent.

Quotations that run up to eight or more lines or 100 or more words in the text should be set off as block quotations, that is, indented at both margins, double spaced, and without quotation marks. Shorter quotations are included in text in quotation marks.

Citations of books follow this order: Author’s first name, last name, comma, name of book in italics (underscored), the number of volumes in Roman type, open parenthesis, place of publication, colon, year of publication, close parenthesis, comma, page number. Note that p. or pp. are not used nor is it necessary to include the name of the publisher. The number indicating hundred is not repeated unless it is different, e.g., 104-05, but 104-219.

In Subsequent Citations, op. cit. and loc. cit. are not used. If there is no intervening citation, use Ibid. (italicized), plus the page number if it is different. If there is an intervening citation, use the author's last name and a shortened form of the title.

Citations of Articles use the following form: author’s full name, comma, title of article in quotation marks, comma, name of periodical in italics (underscored), volume number in Arabic numerals, comma, number (no.) of issue, open parenthesis, month and year of publication, close parenthesis, no spacing, colon, space, page numbers.

Archival citations. Because of the great variety in archival practice, there is some leeway here. Give the name of the archive only in the first citation and follow with: (hereinafter cited as . . .) Folio(s) is abbreviated f. or ff. If the folio is number on only one side, use r and v for front and back, e.g., f. 102r-105v. Example: DeAndreis to Rosati, 17 January 1819, from Saint Louis, De Andreis-Rosati Memorial Archives, Saint Mary’s Seminary, Perryville, Missouri (hereinafter cited as DRMA), box 23, f. 117r.

Illustrations. If you have illustrations you would like included in your article, please send them to us in the form of .jpegs, best quality possible (send via email or copied to a cd-rom). We also ask that you provide a caption for each, along with proper attribution as to the source and permissions-for-use of each.

It is ultimately the responsibility of the author to produce an electronic version of the article as a high-quality Microsoft Word document.

Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in an archival journal or book (print or electronic). Please note: "publication" in a working-paper series does not constitute prior publication. In addition, by submitting material to Vincentian Heritage Journal, the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at another journal (electronic or print) and that he or she will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of the editorial decision process at Vincentian Heritage Journal. If you have concerns about the submission terms for Vincentian Heritage Journal, please contact the editors.

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Rights for Authors and Digital Commons@DePaul

As further described in our submission agreement (the Submission Agreement), in consideration for publication of the article, the authors assign to Digital Commons@DePaul all copyright in the article, subject to the expansive personal--use exceptions described below.

Attribution and Usage Policies

Reproduction, posting, transmission or other distribution or use of the article or any material therein, in any medium as permitted by a personal-use exemption or by written agreement of Digital Commons@DePaul, requires credit to Digital Commons@DePaul as copyright holder (e.g., Digital Commons@DePaul © 2025).

Personal-use Exceptions

The following uses are always permitted to the author(s) and do not require further permission from Digital Commons@DePaul provided the author does not alter the format or content of the articles, including the copyright notification:

  • Storage and back-up of the article on the author's computer(s) and digital media (e.g., diskettes, back-up servers, Zip disks, etc.), provided that the article stored on these computers and media is not readily accessible by persons other than the author(s);
  • Posting of the article on the author(s) personal website, provided that the website is non-commercial;
  • Posting of the article on the internet as part of a non-commercial open access institutional repository or other non-commercial open access publication site affiliated with the author(s)'s place of employment (e.g., a Phrenology professor at the University of Southern North Dakota can have her article appear in the University of Southern North Dakota's Department of Phrenology online publication series); and
  • Posting of the article on a non-commercial course website for a course being taught by the author at the university or college employing the author.

People seeking an exception, or who have questions about use, should contact the editors.

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General Terms and Conditions of Use

Users of the Digital Commons@DePaul website and/or software agree not to misuse the Digital Commons@DePaul service or software in any way.

The failure of Digital Commons@DePaul to exercise or enforce any right or provision in the policies or the Submission Agreement does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any term of the Submission Agreement or these policies is found to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Submission Agreement and these policies remain in full force and effect. These policies and the Submission Agreement constitute the entire agreement between Digital Commons@DePaul and the Author(s) regarding submission of the Article.

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