"Jean-Baptiste Étienne, C.M. and the Restoration" by Edward R. Udovic C.M., Ph.D.


The nineteenth-century superior general Jean-Baptiste Étienne has often been given the title of “Second Founder” of the Congregation and the Daughters of Charity. Edward Udovic argues that this title is deserved, not because of any similarity to Vincent de Paul, but because of Étienne’s faithfulness to the communities’ primitive spirit. Étienne made that the guiding principle of the communities’ re-establishment. His background, experience, agenda for restoration and reform, and worldview are all examined. According to Udovic, Étienne and his leadership are best described as “Vincentian-centric, Romantic, Gallican, and authoritarian.” A French nationalist and imperialist, he was particularly concerned with remaining true to what he saw as the French character of the Vincentian communities. This contributed to his insistence on absolute conformity to the original Rules and customs of the Daughters and complete uniformity in each sister’s life, without any regard for individuality. Just as the papacy had the authority of Christ over the Church, Étienne believed he as superior general had Vincent’s authority over the Daughters. Some of his counsel to them is included.
