"The Eventful Life of Vincente de Paul Andrade" by Stafford Poole C.M.

Presenter Information

Stafford Poole C.M.


Vincente de Paul Andrade played a major role in the controversy over the historical authenticity of the apparitions of Guadalupe. His family was responsible for bringing the Vincentians and the Daughters of Charity to Mexico. The work and problems of the Mexican province are described. Andrade was a member of the Congregation for seventeen years, but during much of that time he lived apart from the community in his own house. His conflicted career is recounted. Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta, one of Mexico’s greatest historians, wrote a confidential “summary of the principle difficulties in the apparition tradition.” Andrade essentially stole a copy of it, translated it into Latin, and sent it to all the members of the Congregation of Rites, as well as other influential officials in Rome. He also published the Montufar-Bustamente interrogatory of 1556. All of this was to prevent a coronation of the image and the approval of a new office and mass for the feast. Even after the coronation, Andrade continued to publish antiguadalupan writings.
