"The Core Values of Vincentian Education" by Louise Sullivan D.C.

Presenter Information

Louise Sullivan D.C.


The educational endeavors of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac, often overshadowed by their other works, were an integral part of their service to the poor. Vincent de Paul is sometimes seen as an anti-intellectual, but he made sure he received the best theological education possible. He was also a successful teacher. He taught school during his student days at Toulouse and while he was pastor of Clichy, and he was primarily engaged with the Gondi family as a tutor for the eldest son. He knew that the religious neglect of the poor and the clergy’s ignorance were inextricably intertwined. The education of priests was thus a fundamental part of the Congregation’s mission. Vincent insisted that the seminary programs have intellectual and practical components. Louise de Marillac’s education and experience as a teacher are described in detail as well. She understood the need to educate poor girls and addressed it with her “little schools.” The programs offered in them are outlined. Louise was also responsible for the formation of the Daughters of Charity. In her examination, Louise Sullivan explores the “common principles, methodologies, and values” of Vincent and Louise’s works. She summarizes Vincentian educational values in her conclusion.
