"Vincentian Pioneers of the Mississippi Valley (1818–1900)" by Dennis P. McCann

Presenter Information

Dennis P. McCann


This article pertains to an exhibit at DePaul University’s library that was meant to educate people about DePaul’s Vincentian identity. Dennis McCann discusses the history of the Congregation and of the Daughters of Charity in the United States and explains what the items in the exhibit reveal about that history. There are twelve groups of objects with themes that include: the Congregation’s early mission in the United States, the linkage of the American mission with its French Vincentian Heritage, Vincentian iconography, life at Saint Mary of the Barrens, the history of the Basilica of Saint Louis (Old Cathedral), the institutions and mission of the Daughters of Charity, perspectives on community life in the Congregation and the Daughters of Charity, and the history of DePaul University. There is also an appendix which gives a Daughter of Charity’s eyewitness account of the Chicago fire.
