"The Vincentian Mission from Paris to the Mississippi: The American Sis" by Ellin Kelly

Presenter Information

Ellin Kelly


With minor alterations, the Rule of the Daughters of Charity was established as the Rule for the Sisters of Charity in 1812. The adoption of the Rule by Sisters of Charity in other places is described. The Emmitsburg Sisters of Charity and the Daughters of Charity were united in 1850. Some sisters did not accept the union and founded new communities elsewhere. In 1828, the Sisters of Charity arrived in St. Louis to begin the first Catholic hospital in the United States. The history of their work there and in Mullanphy Hospital is recounted. They cared for patients during cholera epidemics in St. Louis and New Orleans. They also ran several schools and orphan asylums in the St. Louis area and New Orleans as well as Natchez, Mississippi, and Donaldson, Louisiana.
