"Humility in Saint Vincent’s Apostolic Dynamism" by Luigi Mezzadri C.M.

Presenter Information

Luigi Mezzadri C.M.


Frederick J. Braakhuis, C.M.


Humility was the basis of Vincent de Paul’s spirituality and work, making him into God’s instrument for action on the poor’s behalf. He found Christ’s presence among the poor because of their humility. Missionaries were to follow Christ’s example of humility, thus becoming linked to the Incarnation, itself a state of humility as Christ assumed mortal limitations. With this link, their acts would become those of God. Saint Vincent recognized three degrees of humility: finding ourselves contemptible, rejoicing when others despise us for our faults, and attributing goodness to God and others, instead of claiming that it lies in us. He therefore avoided recognition for his work and that of the Congregation.
