Date of Award
Spring 2019
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Social and Cultural Foundation in Education
College of Education, Department of Teacher Education
First Advisor
Stephen Haymes, PhD
Second Advisor
James Duignan, MFA
This paper will explore the development of dance education starting from the original conception of Margaret H’Doubler. The literature surrounding this topic will be focused primarily on the work of philosophers Émile Durkheim, Karl Marx, John Dewey, Frédéric Lordon, Hannah Arendt, Jacques Rancière, and Ivan Illich to critically examine H’Doubler’s inauguration of the first dance major in higher education in 1926. Further, this paper will explore movement as a mode of learning, as a practice that embodies epistemology and questions the political nature of the corporeal body; dance as way to assemble life, to become a lifetime learner through the pursuits of ones heartfelt desires. Finally, the study will attest to the continuation of funding for curriculum research for dance studies programs within and as well as outside of higher education.
Recommended Citation
Zozulia, Krista, "Dance Education for the Lifetime Learner: From Margaret H’Doubler to the 21st Century" (2019). College of Education Theses and Dissertations. 195.