DePaul Journal of Art, Technology & Intellectual Property Law | Vol 6 | Iss 2

Volume 6, Issue 2 Spring 1996

Front Matter


Table of Contents
DePaul College of Law

Lead Articles

Legislative Updates


Legislative Epilogue
Allison L. Wapner

Sports Law Articles

Case Notes and Comments

Case Summaries



Kathryn Michaelis, Stacy Pappas, and Ann Addis Pantoga


Editors in Chief
Lisa M. Chandler
Marko Iglendza

Managing Editor
Garcia M. Shiffrin

Lead Articles Editor
Darin Sender

Legislative Updates Editor
Danica Irvine

Sports Law Editor
Greg Szul

Case Analyses & Summaries Editor
Alison Cackowski

Technical Editor
Margaret A. Larrea

Writing Staff
Dawn Best
Cecelia Jean Blue
Joanne Boy
Sheryl Buske
Catherine Cook
Christopher Finberg
Timothy Franzen
Ari Good
David Greenberg
Lori Hanesworth
Fredric Lawrence
Jeffrey A. Levick
Paul Markoff
Kathryn Michaelis
Charles Ogan
Michelle Orton
Ann Addis Pantoga
Stacy Pappas
Deandra Pellicore
Cori Phelan
Paul Porvaznik
Terry Schiff
Elaine Spilson
David Sven Villwock
Allison Wapner
Frederick Weber
Steven Wildfeuer

Faculty Advisor
Patty Gerstenblith