Faculty Publications – College of Science and Health
Literature Discussion of "Mechanisms Controlling the Cellular Metal Economy"
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Grice, Kyle A.; Rossiter, Clifford; Gunn, Erica; Habgood, Laurel Goj; Cass, Marion E.; and Madrahimov, Sherzod. (2014) Literature Discussion of "Mechanisms Controlling the Cellular Metal Economy".
This is a literature discussion of a review by Tom O'Halloran (The link to the paper is included in the "Web Resources" below). The review covers concepts of metal content in cells, metal trasport, storage, and regulation. Its a good review to start a broader or deeper discussion about metals in biology. We have provided some questions to help guide the student discussion. These questions can be given to students prior to coming to class, and the answers can either be used for the in-class discussion and/or collected.