Date of Award
Fall 11-23-2021
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
First Advisor
Leonard A. Jason, PhD
Second Advisor
Molly Brown, PhD
Third Advisor
Ida Salusky, PhD
Qualitative studies have examined the recovery experiences of individuals prescribed medication-assisted treatment (MAT), including their experiences within treatment facilities. However, the literature lacks qualitative studies exploring the recovery process of individuals prescribed MAT while living in recovery housing, such as Oxford House (OH). The purpose of this study was to explore how OH residents, who are prescribed MAT, make sense of recovery. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was used to document the lived experiences of individuals prescribed MAT in OH. The sample included: 5 women and 3 men, prescribed either methadone or Suboxone, that were living in an OH in the U.S. Participants were interviewed on four topics: their recovery process, their transition to OH, their experience living in and outside of an OH. Analysis of results followed the recommendations for IPA from Smith, Flowers, and Larkin. Four general themes emerged from the data: Recovery Process, Managing Logistics of MAT Utilization, Personal Development, and Familial Values. In conclusion, individuals prescribed MAT could benefit from living in an OH in order to manage their recovery as well as stay compliant with their medication.
Recommended Citation
Soto-Nevarez, Arturo, "Lived Experiences of Oxford House Residents Prescribed Medication-Assisted Treatment" (2021). College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 406.
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