Date of Award
Winter 3-20-2020
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
First Advisor
Kim Amer, PhD, RN
Congenital heart disease is a prevalent health issue in patients around the world. Approximately 8 in 1,000 live births are complicated by congenital heart disease (Ndile & Kohi, 2011). Increased levels of stress and anxiety have been reported by parents of children with congenital heart disease throughout the process of cardiac surgery, hospitalization, and especially discharge home (Brown & Smith, 2018). This pilot research study utilized pre-intervention and post-intervention survey methodology to examine the impact of an educational tool on parental stress while caring for their child at home post cardiac surgery. The educational tool created by the researcher was a binder of information specific to the patient’s heart diagnosis: pictures of a normal heart compared to the abnormally structured heart, pictures of the surgical repair, hospital expectations, discharge instructions, and references for home care and concerns. Comparison of pre-intervention and post-intervention surveys showed an overall decrease in parental stress related to recognizing signs of deterioration, knowing who to contact with questions, and caring for their child at home post cardiac surgery. Providing education and resources related to congenital heart disease allowed parents to further understand their child’s cardiac complexities which attributed to an overall decrease in parental stress. Ensuring parents are capable and comfortable caring for their child at home after cardiac surgery may indicate positive long term outcomes for patients.
Recommended Citation
Barsella, Rachel, "Pilot Study: Educational Tool Reduces Parental Stress at Home Post Pediatric Cardiac Surgery" (2020). College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 357.
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