Date of Award
Fall 11-24-2015
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
First Advisor
Eric Landahl, PhD
Second Advisor
Anuj P. Sarma, PhD
Third Advisor
Mary Bridget Kustusch, PhD
The central problem of diffraction theory is determining the structure of an object given only the intensity of its diffraction pattern. In general, both the amplitude and phase must be known to uniquely solve a structure; however a coherent radiation source is usually required in order to measure the diffacted phases (e.g. in holography). In many important cases, coherent sources are unavailable and other assumptions or methods must be employed to substitute for the missing phase information. One method that has been successfully applied to the specific problem of determining atomic structure from X-ray diffraction intensity patterns has been the use of multiple-wavelength measurements in the vicinity of an x-ray absorption edge. The large dispersion of the atomic form factors near resonance can be used to constrain the inversion of the diffraction pattern. This thesis explores the extension of this approach to near-perfect crystals where dynamical diffraction theory is required to describe the X-ray diffraction lineshapes. In particular, this thesis presents a study of the depth-dependent transient strain that exists in an otherwise perfect Germanium crystal following the absorption of an intense ultrafast light pulse. This analysis shows that additional structural information may be obtained by the use of multiple-wavelength techniques.
Recommended Citation
Saleh Ziabari, Maziar, "Multiwavelength X-Ray Diffraction" (2015). College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 133.
SLP Collection