"Madame de Miramion and the Friends of Vincent de Paul" by Mary L. Gude C.S.C.

Presenter Information

Mary L. Gude C.S.C.


The relationship between Madame de Miramion and the wealthy Lamoignon family is used to illustrate how “intertwined networks of personal relationships were key to Vincent [de Paul]’s success.” Three of the Lamoignons were Ladies of Charity, and the rest of the family was also devoted to persons who were poor. Their collaboration with Vincent is described. Madame de Miramion knew Vincent and the Congregation through the Lamoignons and “was involved in every major charitable enterprise in Paris from 1649 until her death in 1696.” Among other things, she was also a Lady of Charity and was active in one of Vincent’s confraternities. Later, she created a small community of women to serve poor persons and he approved its rules. Her community merged with the filles de Sainte-Genvieve. They taught poor girls and operated a pharmacy and a dispensary for the sick poor. The Congregation’s third superior general was the community’s canonical superior, and Madame de Miramion worked closely with him.
