Psychology Night Research Posters and Presentations

Faculty Sponsor, if applicable

Joseph Ferrari

Project Abstract

Since Bandura proposed the concept of
self-efficacy, the confidence that one has in
their skills and ability to accomplish tasks,
scholars have investigated this concept’s utility
to predict accomplishments. In this study, we
wondered whether two forms of self-efficacy
among homeless adult women and men might
be predicted by several measures of
People want to feel connected with others,
and many find belonging with others in a
spiritual setting, such as a religious
congregation. We asked these 84 adults
residing in the Chicago area to report their
sense of connectedness and self-efficacy at the
start of a spiritual, but non-denominational,
weekend (Friday night to Sunday afternoon)
retreat and then again at the end of the retreat.
We used reliable and valid self-report
measures on self-efficacy (eighteen items: nine
on employment self-efficacy, or a belief in
capacity to find meaningful employment, and
nine on housing self-efficacy, or a belief in
capacity to obtain a safe and sober, permanent
residence) and sense of connectedness (four
items) with God or a Higher Power, other
homeless persons or those in recovery, and
people in general.

Type of Research

Graduate Student - Independent Study


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Presentation Year

May 2017
